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How are you doing recently?
I would like to call you "brother" rather than "honey", and I simply hope the current relation between us will last forever.
I feel very comfortable to be your sister. Given this, we can still dine together or have a chat from time to time.
You are such a nice boy, and I sincerely believe in the near future you are bound to find a gracious girl who is willing to wear white gown for you.
We will meet soon, so let's talk things over at that time.
Pay attention to your health condition ,relax before you wear yourself out

Have today in the economic globalization, international business is a global trend. China is a large trading and export of the initial position as a major power to determine, as a true economic power, but the brand is indeed a small country. Export their own brand-building has become a major driving force for development, brand building their own export trade of China's sustainable development and competitiveness. Own export brand-building research is a major hot spot. However, exports of China's own brand-building is still in its infancy. This paper discusses three aspects of China's own export brand, first of all about the export of China's own brand-building status, and analysis of China's own export brand-building problems and hinder the development of the relevant factors before a final analysis based on the reasons for some of the policies and recommendations.


译为:As far as possible is patient relieves the pain.

ease the patients of their sufferings as much as possible

As much as possible for the patient to relieve pain

As much as possible to relieve pain for patients



同呼吸,共命运。这句话的英文翻译是:“Breathe with me, share the same fate.”首先,这个翻译尽可能地保持了原句的意象和意境。“同呼吸”被翻译为“Breathe with me”,使用了“with”来表达“同”的含义,同时“呼吸”被直译...

首先,我们应该经常听磁带,英语歌曲和节目。看英文电影对我们也有帮助。其次,我们应该尽可能地在课堂上说英语。Don't be afraid of making mistakes. The more you say, the fewer mistakes you make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others.不要害怕犯错误。你说的越多,...



Don't refer to delimit hand feet, comments; Don't put your ideas on others.Will tell from moral. You this is what are the requirements of your eyes and your heart, and not your purpose, and it all negative, all trying to crack down on change. In order to let your hand...


Score determines everything in China(或者 Score is everything in China). The results of tests are declared, parents pay lots attention on score rank. They think that better score kids could get, more excellent they are. Therefore parents try everything to improve children's score...

It was the only time that he lost all control, because a stranger hurt his friend.

I also use in learning English during the individual leisure and in April in the ielts. Got five points (than domestic English four levels of some high) last year I was in ef foreign language school strengthened 4 months speaking and listening (teachers) although oral English is ...

