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Music for our life, it is a drug to create text, is also awaken the elixir of the soul.

Accompanied by the music, it will be lonely.

In the sea of music, we are well drifting boat, comfortable and peaceful.

Only music can let us quiet erratic soul, settle.

Every kind of music, classical music, religious music, pop music, heavy metal music, rock music, electronic music, jazz, basket, can give us is not the same as the it props up a stretch of the sky. Let's relax, let us free, let's fly.

I like music, whenever I'm tired, every time I good vibes, it is to share with my partner. It can persuade me to calm, also can shock I rose up in the depression.

The magic of music have a kind of never disappear. For me, it is warm, is to save, is a passion, is the hope.

I am glad, although not understand music, but enjoy the happiness of the gift of it.

Joy and pain of heart, in music, and all is lost.

Once again, happy thoughts and with music itself into notes ups and downs.

Score determines everything in China(或者 Score is everything in China). The results of tests are declared, parents pay lots attention on score rank. They think that better score kids could get, more excellent they are. Therefore parents try everything to improve children's score achievement. In America however, the score is private and parents are more focusing on the ability training of children.


People in China put student's Test mark first.Once the result publish, parents always focus on their children's mark and rank due to the thought as "best grade,best child".therefore,parents will make every possible effort to improve their children's performence.While thier counterpart in US hold that child's ability is more important,What's more,Student's academic score is privacy is US.It's make sure no one use academic score to measure children.

In China, the results to determine all the student's result by implementing, parents very care about children's performance ranking parents think that the rankings by the good child before it proved so parents can do anything to improve children's performance and in the United States, student achievement is privacy, American parents more is to develop the child's ability

In China,score means everything.Every students' score will be published and parents are care about their children's ranking.They think that high scores mean their children more excellent.So parents will do everything to improve their children's scores.But in USA,this is privacy and parents do more to develop children's abilities .

In China, test scores decide everything. Parents cares about their children's rankings very much when the results released. They think that the child who is ranked more highly means more outstanding. So the parents will try everything to improve their children's scores. However, the test scores are students's privacy in the US, and American parents takes more time on fostering their children's abilities.

In China, the results make all the decisions. Students' scores released implementing, parents very care about children's performance rankings. Parents think the ranking by before the child the better proof. So parents can do anything to improve children's performance. And in the United States, student achievement is privacy, American parents more is to develop the child's ability

克拉克什么在一所中学工作,他交数学。 他工作努力,经常很忙。他没有孩子,在家里只有他和妻子。她妻子喜欢聊天,可是当克拉克先生上班的时候,没有人和她聊天。所以,当他回家后,她聊的很多。有的时候,她在午夜的时候把他叫醒和他说话。这使他很长时间无法睡觉。克拉克先生很讨厌这样,但他不知道...

谁能帮我翻译一下,英文!!谢谢!!! 大概是这个意思就行了!!!
Weggis Rose is a famous Swiss town, where residents used to grow roses, the annual early July, the residents of the Rose Festival will celebrate its annual Rose Festival, the town will engage in various activities, the highlight of which is selected is Rose Queen of their own. ...

英文翻译 (不一定字字翻译,大概的主要意思翻译出来就可以了) 谢谢啦...
1.By this time I think you come across such people in need as much as possible to help them。2.Management and Leadership behaviour is not limited to call more requires someone with his patience and honesty impressed diseases affect each other and let others trust you, and give ...

On August 8, 2008, Beijing, the capital of us in the 29th Olympic Games, as a Chinese, I feel very proud and honored to have made in China, also can be so good grades and proud.The Olympics for China and the world go hand in hand, promotes the prosperity of our ...

My school activity For a student, school activity means happiness and joy. i was a student, my school activities various, for example, i like basketball, because this sport lets people learn to be brave, to fight, to corporate and enjoy the happiness. every time i joined this...

more completely and meticulously, seize the nature of events and hold on to the general picture.真恐怖的一篇文章,用了我将近一个钟头。总算翻完了。一楼写得很好,只有一两处不太通的地方,我在翻的时候还参考过他的翻译。算是他的升级吧,楼主悬赏分还是给他吧。希望我们能帮到你。

"Fragrance" is a family saga and love disputes relating to the drama.Cheng Cheng's family, fourth-generation heir to the United States came back from as far away, in the way back, it was in his bedroom cabin hiding drugs, coincidentally, because he changed the compartment with ...

...这篇中文翻译成英文,有错别字没关系,能是大概意思就行,谢谢。 夏洛 ...
Charlotte worries, writes its grass-roots Middle through high school, has the opportunity to start their own life, and he delivered, managed to start his brilliant life, this story is mixed through, reverse attack, pure love, nostalgia, and many other elements of pop culture.&#...

求大神给一篇英文短小说的翻译。题目是 A secret lost in the water...
“这是什么意思?”我问父亲。它的意思是,在我们下面,在这里,有一个淡水泉。如果我们挖它,我们可以喝到水。我刚教你怎么找到泉水。这是我父亲教我的。这不是你在学校里能够学到的东西。而且它也不是无用的:一个人可以不会写也不会算数可以生存,但他却永远无法在没有水的情况下生存。Much later, I ...

My favorite season is fall, autumn is a romantic season and harvest season, a mild season. It is not as vibrant autumn spring, but it full harvest. Fall passion rising, as it is not summer, but it is mild romantic. It did not like the sky fall, winter snow, but ...

