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American people emphasize efficiency, competition and originality while Chinese people give priority to careful planning and encourage close cooperation and altruistic dedication among team members. In American schools, discussion in class given top; While Chinese teachers like to lecture, like test, write the same and a lot of them are obsessed with examinations. Now, the contact more closely than ever before. Chinese to study English, play bowling, eat KFC. The American people learn Chinese, practicing kung fu, to eat Beijing roast duck.

In this paper:
For network defamation information and rumors, has not a definite law to regulate and discipline. In September 2013, the detained after qin fire fire several networks, such as big a communal, China's supreme people's court, the supreme people's procuratorate issued a “about to deal with the use of information network implementation of libel and other criminal cases to explain some issues of applicable law, for libel disciplinary information and rumors, from a legal basis. But, in the creation of this account, has caused the public's thinking: will hinder the network anti-corruption produce? Whether from now on can't talk freely on the Internet? The emergence of "500", must has both advantages and disadvantages, in order to purify the Internet environment, also need to all aspects of the effort.
Network anti-corruption defamatory information rumor forwarded 500 times

It was the only time that he lost all control, because a stranger hurt his friend.

that is the only occasion where he got his temper out of control due to the harm done to his friends from a stranger.

The only time he lost his temper was because a stranger hurt his friend.

Of course, the poor vulnerable, which in the case of any country. If a European police mistakenly arrested a rich, he should make waiting for the endless complaints, investigations, and may even lose the public; But if mistakenly arrested is a poor, it is possible to call on ...

Hello, I am the smaller than fish! All through my diary, I also know that this game is played in 2009 July 6, you can read before me. I play this game has a year and 12 days! So this game very understanding. I once said, this is a game, play the connotation of ...

谁能帮我把这段中文翻译成英文 急用万谢 就这一段了 感谢英语大大
The discovery of the wounded, should check the head has no injury, whether in a dangerous state. The most important is to do not move patients, and the following procedure of rapid rescue: a sleeping posture: let the injured side, head back, ensure the unimpeded respiratory tract...

您好 翻译为:It's my pleasure to recommend you a book I like. My favorite book is biography of famous people by Roman Rowland. Here are my reasons for recommending this book.First of all, this book tells about three famous people in the world: Beethoven, Michelangelo, Tolstoy,...

now,sealengraving art jnxm the era of vitality ,the present age,artists don't agree with tiontraditional.I-nnovation and Point out problems,creat so many great seal-e-ngraving art in new era,serve as seal-engraving inpouring new lives.好了,终于翻译完了,累死了,希望能采纳,...

In my mind, people are constantly complaining, even though they live very well have been.But we rarely think about those who live much more difficult than our people. Compared with these people, we do not know how much happiness. Think. . . In your fridge and food but clothes...

We advocate the use of various new building technologies in compliance to the principle of Scientific Development. Urban housing must comply with the overall planning of the city and harmonize with the general charicteristics of the city. The planning and design of the housing area ...

讲述了在艾莎继承皇位后,她的魔力失控冰封大地,而乐观无畏的安娜(克里斯汀·贝尔配音)挺身而出,和 热爱冒险的山民克里斯托夫(乔纳森·格罗夫 配音)以及他的驯鹿搭档组队出发,展开一段魔法层出不穷、旅程峰回路转的故事。他们为了找到安娜的姐姐——阿伦戴尔的女皇艾莎(伊迪娜·门泽尔 配音),破除她...

翻译版本(2)That I am here is because I would like to view and appreciate the world with my own eyes and experience and feel the love and freedom with my heart.我们相信,我们可以帮助更多的人摆脱困乏和限制,过上富足,健康,自由,充满爱和希望的生活。每天都能活在上帝的爱中,...

Thus, in our memories, life in junior high school was content and variable; but life in high school was plain like a cup of water ("所以在我们的记忆中初中生活五彩斑斓而初中生活就像白开水一样平淡。" 这一句原文似乎有问题,你是想说“高中生活就像白开水”吗?). Before I entered ...

