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tatally fully amply intensely的用法上的区别?跪求,谢谢各路大神了。

fully out的含义谢谢了,大神帮忙啊~

我很负责的说,没有这个词组,你觉得有就参考下列的句子吧! As the seat rode to the top of the rails, a port opened and gas ignited the rocket, blasting Stricklin fully out of the cockpit like a Roman candle. 弹射座椅滑行到导轨顶端时,出口被打通,气体点燃,发动火箭推力装置,象发射一座罗马烛台一样把斯特里克林完全“炸”出驾驶舱。 This new switch mechanism hasn't been fully tested out. 这种新的开关装置尚未经过充分检验。 This point has been fully borne out in our ten years of war. 这点在我们的十年战争中已经完全证明了。


你第一个单词打错了吧?totally ['təutəli]adv.完全
例句:The rampart was destroyed totally.壁垒被彻底摧毁了。I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle.这个纵横字谜的提示完全把我弄糊涂了。
He immersed himself totally in his work.他埋头于工作。
fully ['fuli]adv.十分地, 完全地, 全部, 足足
例句:Her time is fully occupied with her three children.她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.我们十分清楚形势的严峻性。Our suppositions were fully confirmed.我们猜测的事实已全部证实。
amply ['æmpli]adv.足够地, 详细地, 充分地例句:I have the satisfaction of being amply rewarded for my efforts.我为自己的努力得到充分的报偿而感到高兴。
I felt amply remunerated for all the extra hours I had worked.我认为我的加班已得到足够的报偿。
intensely [in'tensli]adv. 强烈地, 热切地
例句:Intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh.讨厌的非常让人愤怒的,使人非常不快的,苛刻的
I should intensely dislike being wiped out over such an issue.我极不愿意为这么一个问题断送自己。The meteor, rushing through the air, becomes intensely heated by friction and is usually completely vaporized.流星快速掠过空气时,由于磨擦而变得非常热,通常被完全气化了

totally 和fully都有全部,完全的,彻底的意思, 这时两个可以通用。不过totally更强调完全, 而fully更强调全面性。
amply 主要是充足的,丰富,丰厚之类的意思, 比如说丰厚的回报。

intensely 主要是激烈程度,比如说比赛的激烈程度

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(or exceedingly) dangerous.They are fully aware of the danger.The plan is all-important.It is utterly(or to- tally,downright)wrong(or false)(或其他表示令人 不快的形容词). It is altogether(or purely,complete- ly) fictitious. He is just(or simply) wonderful.It is the very best(or very...

