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  Christmas Day

  Christmas is a joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To people all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. In some European countries, Father Christmas, or Saint Claus, es into houses in the night and leaves gifts for the children. Saint Nicholas

  is represented as a kindly man with a red cloak and long white beard.

  Most children believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. All year he lists the names of children, both those who have been good and those who have been bad. He decides what presents to give to the good children. Each child hung a stocking, or sock, over the fireplace. Santa entered down the chimney and

  left candy and presents inside the socks for the children. On the morning of Christmas day. Each child can't wait to open his or her eyes to see what Santa has left in the stocking.

  Christmas Cards

  Another important custom of Christmas is to send and receive Christmas cards, which are meant to help express the sentiment of the season. Americans begin sending Christmas cards early in December to friends,

  acquaintances, and co-workers. The post office advises customers to mail early in the season and avoid the Christmas rush. Some people heed the advice; others wait until the last minute and then are upset when their loved ones have not received the greeting card or the present which they sent.


  A boy begs his father to get him a Christmas tree this year.


  Each year, the boy asks and the father tells him, "I don't want to pay for it."


  But the son kept begging. Unable to bear his son's whining, he picks up his axe one day and heads out of the house.


  Thirty minutes later he returns with a great big Christmas tree. "How did you cut it down so fast?" his son asks.


  "I didn't cut it down," the father replies.


  "I got it at a tree lot."


  "Then why did you bring an axe?"


  "Because I didn't want to pay."


  May this auspicious Christmas, bring in loads of joy and success in your life. I wish you a very happy journey of life. May you get all you desire. Merry Christmas.


  With faith, courage and hope, every dream is achievable. If you dream, dream to succeed. May this Christmas, God bless you with determination, honesty and happiness. I wish you a Merry Christmas.


  On Christmas, may you be blessed with a heart that only knows to love. May baby Jesus teach you to pass your blessings to all those around you. May you have a blessed Christmas.


在每年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节,因为把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“圣诞节”。我为大家整理了一些圣诞节英文版的手抄报资料,希望大家喜欢。圣诞节英文介绍:Christmas Day Christmas is a joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus ...

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas and a happy new year.敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。Best wishes on this holiday season.献上最诚挚的节日祝福。Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。We wish you a merry Christmas.我们祝你圣诞快乐。Wishinbg...

1、圣诞节来历 Christmas, the name is short for Christs mass. Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival. Because regard it as the birthday of Jesus to celebrate, name and Christmas. This day, the world all Christian churches are held a special service...

在耶路撒冷,来自波尔多的朝圣者 Egeria(亦称 Silvia)见证圣烛节(圣诞后四十日)是在1月6日后的四十日,而当地圣诞应为一月六日。在安提阿,公元386年前后金口约翰呼吁教会统一在12月25日庆祝基督诞辰,其中一部分人在其他日子庆祝这一节期至少已经十年。圣诞节英语手抄报内容2:One," the Catholic...

2010-12-21 我要圣诞节手抄报内容,要有中文翻译的,谢谢! 70 2009-12-22 英语手抄报圣诞的 要翻译 急!!! 26 2013-12-29 圣诞节和春节的区别(英文)和翻译要做手抄报 6 2013-09-26 关于圣诞节英语小报的资料 166 2011-04-27 圣诞节英语手抄报资料 2444 2010-12-23 关于圣诞节的英文手抄报 96...


各位学霸: 小女想要关于圣诞节的英语手抄报,(图片)要快!急!!【悬赏15...
圣诞节的由来 “圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。耶诞节是一个宗节我们把它当作耶苏的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。这一天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普...

because people extremely paid attention to, it becomes one festival for the entire people, it is the most grand festival in one year of western countries, can equate with New Year , the similar our country spends the Spring Festival.圣诞节,每年12月25日,它是基督教纪念耶稣的生命的...


