>凡事网 导航



First of all, for my own attendance apologize enough, I feel very embarrassed and regret, I sorry my family and myself, parents earn money for my abroad to study hard, while I was because some personal reasons caused attendance enough, if because so, resulting in serious consequences, I will have no face to my parents. Attendance enough for me is a thunderbolt, let me from the muddy waters of the day awakened, I realized that goes abroad is to study, not give yourself find all sorts of reason to deceive ourselves and others, learning is to enrich their skills and knowledge for future can find a good job, not for teachers and parents and learning, so just self-deluded and ruin your life. Imagine if oneself to Singapore to play every day, still be inferior to return enjoy oneself, at least I don't troubler of others. Because they do not good and complicity to others is selfish degrading. I must assume responsibility, assure henceforth never have low attendance, I will stick to keep more than 90% of pay rate, don't let parents and school embarrassed!

As for their low attendance, I admit I have an unshirkable responsibility, because my body reason, I need treatment in China, is the detail before commencement, July, I go back to China for a month, is absent from school two weeks, because I had the eye disease (sty), is home to rehabilitation treatment. Early October, course in part over, have two weeks' vacation, because my sty repeatedly relapse, is so painful that I had to go back to China to do surgery (please see the letter attached the hospital certificate), rest until early November back to school to continue class.

Once again, I guarantee further attendance must keep more than 90%, which may affect the my future, dare not deceives his superiors and deludes his subordinates, if id attendance again next time renew discontent 90%, I will bear so responsibility.

形状下探可以用于能量校正的探测器。将能量由一个因素对每种探测器的λ能量区间的下降((1-40)x 10 ^ 18eV)可以决定最低x ^ 2和它的价值,演绎λ最适合的数据。这个过程导致λ1 = 0.9,λ2 = 120和λ3 = 0.75为AGASA,雇佣和Yakutsk检测器,分别是. 值得注意到所需的修正系数小于团结统一为地面阵列和超过对荧光的实验。它是令人印象深刻的,这种转变(校正后,由倾角)的光谱这三个探测器(见图很一致,结果显示在图3已由我们中的一些人在不同的会议,自2004年开始(见例句。(36)。最近AGASA协作[37]有降低能量下降10%左右我们的预测。但不明白专业的东西

We face the government bodies, the Sino-foreign joint venture with the approval of Municipal Education Commission, the proprietorship, the school, travel, the foreign affairs department trains multi-level foreign language talents. Our school with many concerning foreign affairs to export organization cooperate, for many years, recommend, handle, study aboard for at school student, procedure of taking an advanced study etc..
Our school adopts the advanced teaching idea, offer practical and effective training to student, through high-quality teaching, cheap tuition, become Chinese students and study foreign language, bridge taking an advanced study aboard.
Our school cooperates with your school, has ever gone to your school to study before this, our school has students who want to go to your school to study in to take an advanced study now, and we want to recommend more students to apply for your school, create more good chances for our students, enable students to accept better education, I wonder, can become enrollment of your school represent, until your school contract and receive mandate of you again, introduce your school in order to a fine one to student, hope, can have more outstanding China students go to your school to take an advanced study.

We are to was taught by city 委 approval, face to a government agency, Chinese and Foreign joint venture, the individual proprietorship business enterprise, school, tour, the outside matter section trains a multi-layer foreign language talented person.My school and many house concerns foreign affairs exportation organization to cooperate for several years, in order to recommend to carry out to leave for an abroad study in the student of school, study for higher degree etc. procedure.
My school adopts the forerunner's teaching principle, pursuing studies a member to provide a practical valid training, passing the teaching of high quality, cheap school fees, become a Chinese student to study a foreign language, leave for the bridge of foreign advanced study.
There is cooperation in previous my school and expensive school, once sending a student to expensive school to study, our school had a student to thought of now the expensive school attends advanced study, and we also want recommending more students applies for an expensive school, creating some good opportunities more for our students, can make the student accept a better education, don't know whether can re- become an expensive school to solicit students a representative, make a contract with expensive school and get your authorizations, in order to better introduce an expensive school toward the student, hope to have more excellent Chinese students to expensive school to study for higher degree.

语文六年级下册第四单元作文 速度速度 十万火急啊


谁有写白雪纷飞的文段?十万火急呀!!! 老师要求写白雪纷飞的文段,要交的,求各位路过的帮帮忙吧!!!... 老师要求写白雪纷飞的文段,要交的,求各位路过的帮帮忙吧!!! 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 什么样的人容易遇上渣男?寒木念一FZ 2007-03-25 · TA获得超过1.7万个赞 知道小有建树答主 ...

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