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谁能用正确的英语语法帮我翻译一下这几句英文啊?急求拜托啊 谁能帮我翻译一下这几句英文?




1.The strength he has makes people respect and even fear, which is a terrible power, letting people sink in the darkness.
2. He impresses me with a sense of distance which makes me not dare to approach.
3. The muscle of his body presents his strength. He deserves the character of Greek mthology.
4. Although he is more suitable to be described by darkness and fear, he lives a hard life.
5. i think he feels sad about his hard life now.

  1. His strength is great and awful, and threatening as well at the same time, which is a kind of power tending to sink people into a trap of darkness.

  2. He beamed out a sense of estrangement,which kept me at a distance away from him.

  3. The muscles all over his trunk spoke for his strength, making him deserve the status of a character in Greek mythology.

  4. Though he matched fairly well those descriptive terms referring to darkness and terror, yet his family background was quite tragic.

  5. I believe this half-human and half-ox  resemblance of was really miserable for him to look at in the mirror.

1.He has the strength to let people fear, and at the same time, it is to let person fear. It is a terrible strength, will let the people into darkness.
2.He gave me a sense of, let I can't close to.
3.He's all muscles are showed his strong, deserves the role of Greek mythology
4.Although he is suitable for the darkness and fear vocabulary to describe, but his life still is poor.
5.I think, this half man, half like cattle for him by bad also.

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is.Third,he always try to stand on the position of the others Last,when there is disagreement between you two,he can keep calm.Also,a nice friend would have rich knowledge,be able to solve problems ,and the most important,he treats you with heart and soul.希望对你有帮助 ...

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other is t teacher. 2、在固定范围内其他的,后接名词或代词。如:The class are playing. Somer are playing tennis, and the other students(the others) are playing football.the others 在固定范围内其他的,作代词用,不接名词或代词。可以等同于:the other+名词\/代词。例子在上一句。

