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英语作文:假如你高中毕业想去英国留学,给外教写信,说明留学原因,告知出国前打算强化语言,请他给你建议 急!急!急!英语作文!


Hi Mr. Wilson,

I have applied for the accountant course in University of London School of Economics and Politics in the UK. Accounting is a stable, yet well-paid career; I believe this is what I want for my future. England is probably the best place to learn accounting worldwide. I am very exciting about the next 3 years. Therefore, I want to prepare myself well for the next stage of my life. I will improve my English during the summer, and hopfully life will be easier for me when I really get there. I particularly worry for my listening and speaking, for that there are a big variety of accents across the country. I heard from a friend that it will take a while to get used to it. On the other hand, I am still not sure about how can I find a place to stay when I get there. Although the Universities seem to provide accommodations, I wonder are there any other options? For example, how can I find a house outside of the University? Could you give me some advices?

Kind Regards,

Hua Li

Dear Mr Wilson, How time flies!I will graduate from the senior middle school soon.
I would like to go to the UK for turther study after graduated from high school. I love the British education system. I plan to take an English course in the summer vacation in order to improve my English. I am very excitied about my future stay in the UK.

In addition, could you please give me some advises about my life in the UK? For example, suggestions on picking schools. I also need to know about where should I stay. I would like to choose homestay, because it can improve my English. Is my decision right? For the transportation, go to school by bus or by underground, which is better for me?

Thank you very much.

Best wishes

Yours truly Li Hua


Dear **,

I am planning to do my undergraduate degree in the UK after high school. I'm eager to see more of the world now, and the UK has a good reputation worldwide for education. It will be the place for me to build acdemic knowledge, as well as the ability to deal with different cultures.
However, I will have to improve my language before going there, so that I can adapt to the society by then. Could you give me some advices on what apects should I work? (后面是你具体情况,我瞎编的,如果需要可以改) I am aiming at an average of 6 for the IELTS exam. Reading and Listening tests worry me less than the Oral test and writing part. It seems that I always fail to use the right tense, especially when I write an essay in a rush. Furthermore, sometimes I could not recall the right word when I speak, and I just don't know what to say. It is very embarrassing. What do you think I can do to improve?


ps, 这是书信体哈。

Dear Mr./Ms. ***,

How is everything going? I am *** and I am planning on going to go to university in England after high school. There are several reasons why I want to study abroad. First, I want to expand my horizen, so going abroad and experiencing foreign culture would be a really good opportunity to know more about the world. Second, I am very interested in British culture and really appreciate the beautiful landscape and polite people in there. I also hope that I could find good friends there who have the same interestes as mine.

Currently I am working on improving my English, and I would like to know if there are any suggestions you could offer about studying English as a native speaker. It's the best if we could schedual a time to sit down and talk about it. Thank you!


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