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请英语高手帮我翻译下(翻译成英语),谢谢~感激不尽 哪位高手能帮我翻译一下下面的英文,感激不尽,谢谢谢谢


1. 她过去戴眼镜.而现在戴的是隐形眼镜( contact lenses )
She used to wear glasses, but now she wears contact lenses.

2. 我去过两次长城了.
I've been to the Great Wall twice.

3,. 那辆白色的小汽车想必是他们经理的.( belong to )
That small white car must belong to their manager.

4. 他们刚才耗尽了力气.( run out of)
They just ran out of their strengths.

5. 如果我是你,我会先做完作业.
If I were you, I would first finish my homework.

6. 这个小姑娘像她妈妈. ( take aften)
The little girl takes after her mother.

7. 我(请人)修了我的自行车.
I had my bicycle repaired.

8. 我要买件新的夹克,这件不抗寒.(keep out)
I want to buy a new jacket. This one can't keep out the cold.

9. 他提出的这项建议结果证明是很好的.(work out )
The proposal he put forward works out.

10. 这些广告必须及时分发出去. (hand out)
These advertisements should be handed out in time.

车道:牙holdening制动,以减轻人们的工作挑出的接待人员,并配备了双方下列选项,CAN总线控制服务台交通灯上都安装,最多2个照明灯的24V/2W - suitablility按钮的安装逃生路线:只与逃生路线安装组件为确保自由通行,评估的申请必须澄清了以下欧洲国家/地区建设的监督与指导方针73/23/EWG符合低电压指令93/465/EWG CE标志的程序指令2001/95/EG 93/68/EWG修订有关产品安全指令2004/108/EG EMC指令指令92/59/EWG产品安全指令98/37/EG机械和418安全下列标准符合DIN EN机械紧急停止设备,功能方面,1原则的一部分设计的DIN - EN 954-1的安全machinery.Safety相关零部件的控制系统:设计的一般原则,符合DIN EN 1050安全风险评估的machinery.Principles为DIN标准EN ISO 12100 -1安全机械的基本概念,第1部分一般原则设计:基本术语,二,研究方法符合DIN EN ISO部分12100-2安全机械的基本设计概念,一般原则为:技术原则符合DIN EN 12150-1玻璃在钠钙硅酸盐building.Thermally增韧安全glass.Part 1:定义和描述符合DIN EN ISO 13849-2标准2安全控制系统,部分machinery.Safety - releated部分:符合DIN EN 60068-2-52的验证环境试验零件2:试验,试验Kb,盐雾,交变(氯化钠溶液)符合DIN EN 60335-1家用和类似用途电器的安全第1部分:一般要求的61000度符合DIN EN 60529标准代码所提供的保护罩(IP)的标准DIN EN -6-2电磁兼容性(EMC)的部分6-2:),第6-3部分通用标准工业环境的抗扰度标准DIN EN 61000-6-3电磁兼容性(EMC:通用标准排放标准的住宅,商业和在行人的安全供电的第1部分:产品要求和试验方法符合DIN 18650-2建筑五金供电行人门第2部分:光工业建筑环境符合DIN EN 18650-1 ISO 9001质量管理体系,要求符合DIN硬件供电人行门门

Any of the above analized factors affecting listening comprehension can't escape the impact of cultural background knowledge and culture helps a lot in arousing the learner's interest in improving English listening skills, which can't be underestimated. Take the issue on gun control, which seemed absolutely to be a taboo in the eyes of common folk before. Nonetheless, in recent years, a lot of people love watching foreign movies so that they get to know some about these. Another example is that the listening passage mentions the father of a kid went to New York to make a living three years after America gained independence. The question is, when did the family move to New York? The background is that in 1776 the 13 colonies gained independence by breaking away from British rule. Therefore, it's hard to answer that question if you lack related background information.

Every one of those factors that affect the listening ability analyzed above is closely related with the effect of knowledge of the background culture, more over, culture has a help that can not be underestimated for the inspiration of interest to the study of listening English. It will never make sense without the background culture knowledge no matter how good your language basis or your attitude is. Take the guns problem as an example, it is absolutely forbidden in the former times among the Chinese folks. However, recently many of them like watching foreign films and gain a knowledge of it unconsciously. Another example, in a piece of listening material, it mentions that the father went to America for a living 3 years after the Independence. The question is “when did the family move to New York?”, the background knowledge of this is that 13 colonies broke away from the Great Britain in 1776. if you have no idea of it, you can never reach the right answer.

The above analysis of the factors affecting English listening every are inseparable from the culture effect of background knowledge, and culture to stimulate learning English listening interest had the great help. Your basic language and mind no matter how good if there is no background knowledge of the words are of no use. For example, the problems about guns, before Chinese folk view is absolutely forbidden area, but in recent years, many people like to watch foreign films, so imperceptibly on these understanding. For another example, in a hearing material referred to in a child is the father of the United States of America independence after 3 years to make a living in New York. The problem is" when did the family move to New York?" The background knowledge is the 177613 North American colonies independence from Britain, if this lack of understanding, will not be able to correctly answer the question.翻译的好累

The above analysis of the factors affecting listening comprehension of each are inseparable from the influence of the cultural background knowledge, and culture on stimulating study English hearing also have no interest in the undervaluation of the help. Your language foundation and mentality again how good if no cultural background knowledge word is also useless. For example about guns, in the past China folk seems to be absolute penalty area, but in recent years, a lot of people like to see foreign movies, so that to understand these before you know it. Again for instance in an article in the listening material referred to a child's father is the United States after independence of three years to New York to make a living. The problem is "when did the family move to New York?" The background knowledge is 1776 years the 13 American colonies independence from Britain, if lack of understanding about this, you will not be able to correct answer the question.

Is there any one of my position in your heart?Don't lie to me 这是手工的,一看你就知道情感又出问题了。。。路过

1.据说他有一个美国笔友。(It)It is said that he has a American pen pal.2.我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备。(be busy)We are busy preparing for the singing contest next month.3.为了你的家庭幸福,务必遵守交通法规。(Do)Do it for your family, you must abide by the ...

If you made use to time ample , you would be scholarly .3.正当我十分焦急时,一个孩子走上前来,指给我去车站的路(come up).Just when I was worried , a kid came up and told me the way to go to station .4.在一些重要方面,英国英语和美国英语很不相同(in some important ways)...

我之所以报考贵校原因有三点:1:我喜欢法律专业,希望将来能在法学领域有所作为。2:xx大学的法学教育在全国高校中是最好的,在这里我可以享受最优质的教育资源。3:xx城市的政治文化氛围很好,在xx城市,特别是在xx大学这样一个良好的学习环境里,更有利于我对法律知识的学习。There are three reasons...

紫外线消毒具有很多化学法无法替代的优点,经过30多年的发展,已经成为成熟可靠高效环保的消毒技术,在国外各个领域得到了广泛的运用。Ultraviolet disinfection has many chemical method cannot replace advantages, after 30 DuoNian development, has become a mature reliable efficient the disinfection ...

Mrs.Slaton说的下一件事改变了 Jean的人生轨迹。老师向桌子前倾着身子,说:“我要告诉你们一个小秘密。你们确实拥有无穷无尽的能力和才干。你们确实可以进入最好的学校,你们也可以安排无数的资金,只要你们足够想做某件事。就是这样。当你离开学校的时候,如果你不自己去追求你的梦想,没有人会为你...

请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢。

1. In charge of the TV program selection, pre-planning, composition, shooting, post-production.2. Participate in the OB VAN program live casting, negotiate and coordinate the scene site and casting room.3. Proficiently operate the nonlinear editing software "Edius" and video effect ...

翻译版本(1)Being very renowned for its automobiles , Volov is an exceedingly famous enterprise for which many friends of mine are working , according to the ordinary communication between them and me , I have been acquainted with a fact that their personal career are well ...

The link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world,and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.感觉良好和把钱花在别人身上之间的联系能够在全世界富人和穷人之间得以展现(看到),对其的缺乏增强了多数...

