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求一篇简短的自我介绍英文 如何用英文写一篇简单的自我介绍?


hi I am this year 16 years old My height 185 cm My weight is 70 kg of my hobbies are playing basketball and football they can let me know the importance of team work My family has three members of my father my brother and I I don't have my mother my father is a cook the food is very delicious My brother is a soldier I love my family。

Hi,my name is …. I am from china.I am 16 years old.I am tall and thin.I like playing basketball and soccer,because they can tell me the importance of teamwork. My father is a cook. He likes cooking chinese food.It is delicious. I have no mother,but my father really love me. My old brother is a armyman.He is loyal and brave.I love my family.

英文面试自我介绍10篇 初到一个新的环境,我们总归要向他人介绍自己,自我介绍可以给陌生人留下一个好的印象。到底应如何写自我介绍呢?以下是我为大家收集的英文面试自我介绍,欢迎大家分享。 英文面试自我介绍1 It is my plesure to meet you .today i am here to apply for the position of foreign trade cle...

英语作文自我介绍5句话分享:To introduce myself Hello,every one!My name is XXX. I'm a 19 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of XXX. I'm an active ,lovely and clever girl.不知道如何写作?点击下方蓝字链接,免费欧美外教写作课分享给大家。【免费领取,外教一对一精品...

英文的自我介绍 (5——10句)
英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。第二、合并法 合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目...

写作思路:首先介绍一下自己的姓名,再介绍一下自己的长相等等,接着说明一下自己的优点或者缺点,语言要简练。正文:My name is XX. I am eight years old. I have a small face, round ears and small eyes.我名叫xx,今年八岁,我有一张小小的脸,圆圆的耳朵小小的眼睛透出一股聪明劲。I ...

无论是电话面试还是面对面面试,只要流利,语速在3分钟左右完成自我的介绍,基本上是没啥问题的,为大家推荐了一篇不错的范文。范文例子:Good morning, everyone. Thank you for taking your time. It’s really my honor to have this opportunity to take part in this interview. Now, I would ...


100字左右的英语自我介绍:My name is Linda Smith.My first name is Linda,My last name is Smith.I am fourteen years old.I like playing sports,such as football,ping-pong.I have two footballs and many ping-pong balls.My favorite subject is P.E,because I can play happily with ...

求一篇英文自我介绍 简单点的,初中水平的样子,时长一分钟左右... 简单点的, 初中水平的样子,时长一分钟左右. 展开 1个回答 #热议# OPPO超级会员日会上线哪些专属权益? sunny冬阳 2009-04-12 · TA获得超过480个赞 知道答主 回答量:52 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:44.6万 我也去答题访问个人页 关...

上英语课时,很多老师都会让学生写一篇英文自我介绍。下面我为大家总结整理英文自我介绍的范文,希望大家喜欢。范文一:Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office ...

在 面试 的时候,一般需要 自我介绍 ,而面试的自我介绍用 英语口语 讲出可能会让人感觉印象深刻,那我们该如何讲呢?下面是我给大家带来的经典的英文 面试自我介绍 _英文面试自我介绍 范文 五篇,以供大家参考! 【↓】更多相关 文章 推荐【↓】 个人面试自我介绍简单大方 1分钟通用面试自我介绍范文 3分钟个人面...

