>凡事网 导航



Excuse me," I said, trying not to be too pushy.Several people had to move aside to make
room for me to get to the extrance . I stepped out, complaining about the service
conditions.Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I headed into the
parking lot. A woman was coming across the lot in my direction .She was walking
with determination, and each step sounded very heavy.I noticede that she looked as if
she could breathe fire.It stopped me in my tracks.I recognized myself and it wasn't
pretty.Had I looked li ke that? Her body language said that she was having a rough
day.My anger melted away.I wished I could wrap her in a hug but I was a stranger .
So I did what I could in a minute before she hurried past me-I smiled.In a second

everything changed.She was astonished, then somewhat confused .Then her face
softened and her shoulders relaxed .I saw her take a deep breath.Her pace slowed and
she smiled back at me as we passed each other. I continued to smile all the way to
my car .Wow, it's amazing what a simple smile can do. From then on, I became
aware of people's expressions and my own, the way we show our feelings.Now I use that
awareness every day to let it remined me that when facing the world, I can try a smile

It is argued that socially responsible actions by business lead to increased corporate
responsiveness and, in turn, lead to improved social performance and productivity. A
society which is satisfied with the ways in which business is carried out will naturally
have fewer public criticisms of organizations’ current strategies, but will insist on
increasingly higher standards of social responsibility from all organizations. Since social
problems are in part created by the rise of large corporations, they have a social and
moral obligation to CSR.

Dear Sir:
I am Dorine. Thank you for reading this letter.
I believe I am a determined person. Just before the end of 5th grade of my elementary school, I suffered from a traffic accident. I lost the chance to enter xxx after leaving classroom for 3 months. However, I works really hard in last 4 years to enrich myself because I have never given up the dream to enter xxx. Now I'm here in xxx, which I dreamed for such a long time. I believe, with my determination, I will achieve my dream.


Dear teacher!
My name is Dorine. I think I am a persistent man. When I was in Grade5 before graduation in my primary school, a car accident happened to me. I had to be out of class for over 3 months, therefore I missed the opportunity of entering XX Middle School. However, by my hard work of the recent 4 years, I finally enter XX Middle School that I've been longing for. I've never given up my dream of entering XX Middle School, and I think I absolutely can achieve my dream with my persistance.

韩语翻译 急!麻烦大家帮个忙 翻译一下这段话 不要用软件谢谢
10월 14일 때 미국 정찰 비행기가 소련 땅에 대 쿠바의 건설 - 대만에서 출시&#...

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Dear friends, please carefully read these words. Be sure to read! Thank you. I risked being friends think shame on you risk please friends help. May I ask who can marry me or who can help me to look for a daughter-in-law? The demand is not high, then as an ...

Have such a collective, in insecurity busy outside the classroom, has been flowing with the love to all over China, this is the haidian foreign language experimental school's long class, a united, fraternity, the dedication of the collective.2011 Beijing changping district of the ...

With the importance of the transport sector of our economy and the continuous development of the rapid increase, whether it is transportation of passengers or cargo transport development and changes have become an important part of national economic development, in which the road transport ...

用有道和谷歌对比给你翻译了一下,英语也不太好,我核对了一下,没有什么大的问题, 不过希望对你有帮助!谷歌在线翻译:With the development of technology, the popularity of computer , network coverage increases , and now we have entered the information age , and digital, dematerialization ...

·The Spring Festival is the most important Chinese tradition festival , year-end family reunion dinner (the dinner on new year's eve) is that festival lining is the most important one ring , the tradition culture more than two thousand years having passed precipitate deep culture ...


Hello cousin.As I am busy with final exams recently, so has no time to look at e-mail, sorry. You let me turn to your father's e-mail, I will print out as soon as possible. How recently you have been kind, everything is smooth now also. The weather was very hot ...

