>凡事网 导航



Dear Mary,
I was astonished receiving your letter.I'm sorry to have learned that you had had such life experiernce. How are you now?
My Chinese name is Xu Le.Having seen your photogragh,I think you are a very pretty girl.I like you very much.But I'm still a senior high school student in China.I don't speak English very well,so it may be a little defficult for me to communicate with you.And I hope you can forgive me that I could only reply your E-mail at weekends.
I live in a peaceful country.I live between my school and my home every day,and I also have the common worries that teenage girls all have.Vere nice to know you!And I wish you happy every single day!
Looking forward to hear from you.
Xu Le


I hardly finished the latest question , the time of exam is ended.
For people came from distant zone, it’s hard to follow up the rhythm of metropolis.
Normally, everyone does the necessary work and rest, with addition of sport and entertainments.
We only continue to study in order to catch up modern science developments.
Please be sure the gas must be turn down, otherwise it will bring trouble.
The scenery in this place is so beautiful that I hardly find word to appreciate it.
We made a regular that nobody can say Chinese in English lesson.
What worries us is that keeping high temperature is making the arid worst in this area.
19.毫无疑问,在新鲜的空气里锻炼对健康有益处。(do good)
Undoubtedly, training in the fresh air does good for health.
If your diet is reasonable, There is no need to supplement vitamins.
Who ignores proper reasonability will be punished strictly.
22.读了这本书后我才对南美洲的历史有所了解。(Not until)
I didn’t know anything about south America until I finished this book.
Collecting antique coins is on of his hobby and he learns a lot from it.
24.只要你持之以恒,成功是迟早的事。(so long as)
So long as you resist, success will come soon or later.
Almost all information is available on internet.
If you check carefully, you can avoid the most of spelling errors.
One of way to accelerate reading speed is to guess the meaning of new words from context.
Unless you depart before 5pm, you will not catch that train.
As he doesn’t know the answer, he has to turn to teacher.
After studying carefully this problem, we find out the solution.
31.听到这个好消息我们兴奋不已。(more than)
We are very exciting to hear this news more than expected.
It remains a doubt if we can arrive there timely in so bad weather.
They spent a lot of money to buy new house. It’s unlikely to buy new car this year.
Children are curious for things happening around.
We all favour his suggestion to go to picnic sometimes in next week.
Judging from his manner, he must have had good education.
37.坐在我对面的那个女孩举止优雅,心地善良。(as well as)
The girl sitting in front of me is elegant as well as kind.
General speaking, more vocabulary you have, more strong your comprehension capability.
"61" Children festival day morning ,those children could not wait to put on new clothes to take part in the celebrations.
Liu Xiang is the first person in Asia ,who won short-distance track world champion

大学生活 -- 暂新的经历

1. 对我来说大学生活是一种全新的与众不同的经历。远离家乡,因此我有很多东西要去适应,一切要靠自己。同友好的人们交谈,每周五休息,关于大学这正是我喜欢的一些事情。

2. 在校园生活,首先,给了我一种要靠自己的责任感。没有父母或者在身边对我说:“不行,你今天晚上不能出去。”或者“你家庭作业做完了吗?”我所做的一切都要我自己去决定,便给了我那种掌控我人生的责任感。我在大学的第二个星期时,我不得不出去找一个我可以开户的银行。在出去之前,我在一本电话簿查找,因为附近的银行在哪儿我没有一点头绪。有人告诉我了一个比较好的银行:大陆联邦储蓄银行(Continental Federal Savings). 我到了那家银行而且自己做了决定是否开一个经常账户(a checking)还是储蓄存款账户(savings account)以及是否办一张主卡(MASTER card)。那就是要有责任心的一个例子,既然我要靠自己并自己做决定。

3.友好的人们:那是关于大学我喜欢的另外一个方面。在大学第一天(甚至现在),人们对我都很友好。我从纽约来到维吉尼亚州这里的 Marymonut University ,虽然以前来过这里,我还是有些不清楚我的方向。我母亲和我开车进去了,不知道我们要去的那幢楼在哪儿,不知道我们的车能停在哪里。我的宿舍在NEW Gerard的第一层楼,我知道我要走过一些玻璃门,但我母亲和我不知道是哪些门。一些高年级的学长看见我并问道,"你是新生吗?"当他们知道了解到我是要找New Gerard,其中一个人说,“跟着我们就行了,我们就是要到那里去。” 即使现在在集体宿舍楼我都感觉很舒服,因为这里有能和你聊天的友好的人们在身边。




1.college是一个新的和不同的经验为me.I '米远离家乡,所以我有许多事情来调整to.being以我个人的,友好的人民交谈,并星期五场外有刚刚有些事情我喜欢对高校。

2.living高校,首先给了我的责任感,是对我的own.My父母不在身边说: “不,你不会今晚”或“你完成你的功课? “我这样做已经是我的决定,这使我有责任把自己的life.During的第二个星期,我在大学里,我不得不去寻找一家银行,我可以打开account.Before说我看着在接受电话预订,因为我没有任何线索abont银行在这里或那里located.Someone告诉我,一个好的银行:大陆联邦Savings.I到银行,并决定为自己,是否有检查或储蓄账户以及是否获得硕士学位card.That是一个例子,现在有责任,我对我自己和我自己的决定。

3.Friendly人:这是另一个方面我喜欢college.One我的第一天(甚至现在)人不错me.I来到Marymonut大学在弗吉尼亚州从纽约和即使我想在这里先我有点困惑,我是going.My母亲和我将在,不知道的大厦,我们理应去,和后卫特别高兴我们:面带微笑,他告诉我们如何建设我们期待着并在这里我们可以公园我们car.My室一楼新杰拉德,我知道我必须通过一些玻璃门,但我母亲和我没有权的ones.Some高年级看到我,问, “你是一个新的学生? “当他们发现了我一直在寻找新的杰拉德,一个说: ”只要按照我们:这就是我们要。 “即使是现在我感觉舒适的宿舍,因为有周围的人友好的交谈带有。

4.Finally ,添加到我喜欢的大学,我喜欢在周五关闭,我将无法应付5天的课程中row.Also ,我爱睡觉in.One星期四晚上,我和我的室友和全国人民会堂去Georgetown.We得到的,而第二天一早,我的室友和我决定睡在,我不能这样做高中。


中译英 您对未来有怎样的期待呢? 当我们还是呀呀学语的小童时, “未来”或许是一个阳光明媚的春天, 到处是鸟语花香; 当我们成为雄心勃勃的青年时, “未来”或许是热气腾腾的夏天, 梦想、憧憬充满了我们的心灵; 当我们步入中年时, “未来”就象金色的秋天, 有人因为收获而喜悦, 有人因为凋零而惆怅...

15, officers and workers the request of the civilization construction:a. Strictly forbid to relieve nature on the workplace, the officers and workers aware of self to obey.b. Obey the daily timetable, can not leave a work a post without authorization, occupy go out to need to ...

唯一正确的答案是:Hong Kong and China West International Co., Ltd. Shun Technology Co., Ltd. to develop a bio-matrine series of pesticides, is a collection of scientific research. Production. And operating as one of modern enterprises plant extracts. Strength of the company. ...

支援当地建设和低影响的食品加工有实际积极影响的关键方面改变食物供给形式。在以一种对环境友好的方式推进当地经济发展的同时提供健康,优质的食物;展示低影响(这里指对环境破坏的影响)的包装方法,加工和处理的例子;强调低强度饮食的益处。翻译水平有限 忘谅解 希望对你有所帮助吧 ...

"Records in Shuangcheng" center, I most like, also is makes I most affected person is attorney assistant Sydney □Carlton. He is a talent outstanding attorney, the surface on actually sluggishly indulges. Willingly would rather hides after the person, makes stepping-stone which the ...

请高手帮忙翻译(汉译英) 用软件翻译的高手请绕道 这次翻译量有点大...
I have not been to Singapore, Singapore impression that they are all my others say or listen to or from the book or from the TV show comes from. So let me, in my eyes, Singapore is a bit "hearsay" feeling, but I will try to obtain information through authoritative ...

"Genius is hard work, diligence, hard work again. "Father of classical mechanics - Newton's famous phrase that in the concept of Newton, a hard-working genius, the key to success is hard work.Yes, perhaps the success on the road, a lot of coincidence and chance, but hard ...

This is reminds me of my high school principals, integrity, loyalty dry facts, but false accusations of corruption. Ill-treatment in cell recognition and confession of corruption. The appearance of the glory of socialism, the dark side of corruption is not only in the film.Movie ...

summarize the electoral system of democracy in grass-roots units of a piece of suitable real national conditions of our country ---Equilibrium, caring fairness of villager's autonomy and gradual advancement from top to bottom while looking for freedom and authority.我自己觉得翻译得不错 ...

请英语高手翻译一段话 中译英 急!!!
翻译:Students, we all know the origin of the Christmas and customs, today is Christmas, I just want to present a Christmas party.In western countries, people will put in front of the house, the head of a bed hangs in the tree, and Christmas stocking Christmas dinner! At ...

