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  Choose to study in Canada, and you’ll have the opportunity to encounter vastly different cultural and natural experiences – from the ski slopes of British Columbia to the prairie province of Manitoba, with cities such as Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver and Quebec famously friendly, tolerant and multicultural.

  Occupying the northern half of the North American continent, Canada is known for its natural beauty – few nations in the world can boast anything close to its wealth of forests, lakes and mountains – and for its multicultural diversity. The country has official bilingual status, with English and French used concurrently in government and official documents.

  It’s also known for its sparse population (despite being the world’s second-largest country, it has a population smaller than that of just one US state, California) and for its harsh winters. In some parts of Canada, snow covers the ground for almost half the year – but you’re unlikely to find any Canadian universities in those regions!





  Featured as the number one city for students in the QS Best Student Cities index, Montréal is the biggest city in the French-speaking province of Quebec and the second-largest city in Canada. There are four universities in Montréal, as well as seven other degree-awarding institutions and 12 General and Vocational Colleges (CEGEPs), giving the city the highest concentration of post-secondary students of all major cities in North America.

  Widely cited as the cultural capital of Canada, Montréal boasts a unique combination of European sophistication and American pizzazz, which gives it a buzz few other places can match. As a student, you’ll certainly never be at a loss for things to do, with plenty of theater, music, dance and visual arts to explore, including the annual Just for Laughs comedy festival, the world’s largest of its kind. Also, don’t miss the Montréal Fireworks Festival, frequently hailed as the best and largest fireworks festival in the world.

  Among universities in Montréal is Canada’s second-highest ranked university this year, McGill University (32nd in the QS World University Rankings® 2018). Beyond that, universities in Montréal also include the Université de Montréal (130th) and Concordia University (431-440) among others. While McGill and Concordia operate primarily in English, many universities in Montréal are Francophone, as are the city’s residents. So even if you’re an English speaker at an Anglophone university, be prepared to make an effort with your French.






  The provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada, Toronto is known for being one of the world’s most multicultural cities, with around half of its 2.8 million-strong population hailing from outside of the city. Accordingly, it is an exciting and diverse place to live, with its residents’ heterogeneity reflected in the city’s culture and cuisine. Home to the Toronto Stock Exchange and the country’s five largest banks, Toronto is Canada’s leading financial center – while also being known as a world-leading hub for the entertainment, media and creative industries.

  Toronto’s collection of museums and galleries is impressive, ranging from the large Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario to the much smaller Gardiner Museum of ceramic art, Gallery of Inuit Art or the Bata Shoe Museum. The Toronto International Film Festival is one of the world’s biggest, and the city’s live music scene is celebrated by locals and visitors alike. There is also a vibrant club scene and more than enough cafés and restaurants to keep foodies and coffee-lovers satisfied.

  When it comes to education, universities in Toronto include some of Canada’s highest-ranked. Indeed, the University of Toronto is Canada's highest-ranked entrant in the QS World University Rankings 2018, at 31st in the world. It’s joined by York University (ranked 441-450), Ryerson University (801-1000) and a selection of other higher education providers, including the Royal Conservatory of Music.




  谈到教育,多伦多有加拿大一些排名顶尖的大学。的确,多伦多大学在2018年QS世界大学排名中是加拿大排名最高的大学,位居第三十一位。同样进排名还有约克大学(441-450)和瑞尔森大学 (801-1000)。除此之外,多伦多还有包括皇家音乐学院在内的一些列高等教育机构。


  A relatively young city on Canada’s west coast, Vancouver is the perfect destination for those who want to combine city living with easy access to the great outdoors. And by great, we really mean great – the landscape surrounding Vancouver is truly spectacular, ranging from lush green forests and stunning lakes, to the rugged magnificence of the Canadian Rockies (especially popular with skiers and snowboarders).

  There’s plenty on offer for city slickers too in this cosmopolitan and vibrant town. Canada’s third-largest metropolis, Vancouver consistently features in lists of the world’s most livable cities – and has become one of Canada’s best-known and most-visited cities. Cultural offerings include three prominent theatre companies, the Vancouver International Film Festival, and a vibrant and diverse music scene.

  Prominent universities in Vancouver include the University of British Columbia, (ranked 51st in the latest QS World University Rankings) and Simon Fraser University (joint 245th). Neighboring Vancouver Island, meanwhile, hosts the University of Victoria (joint 346th) and Vancouver Island University.





   Quebec City

  If you like picturesque and historic cities, you can’t really do much better than Quebec City. Founded in the early 17th century, Quebec is the capital of the province with which it shares its name, and of French-speaking Canada as a whole. Its Old Town, with pretty cobbled streets surrounding the striking Château Frontenac and the only preserved city ramparts in North America, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Quebec as a whole is full of historic and architectural interest. In fact, there are 37 National Historic Sites of Canada in Quebec City and its enclaves.

  Of course, Quebec is not just a giant museum – it’s very much a living and changing city. There’s no shortage of things to do here, in terms of both nightlife and culture, and the city is especially known for its colorful Winter Carnival, lively gay scene, and intimate live music venues.

  Notable universities in Quebec City include Laval University (ranked 378th in the QS World University Rankings 2018) and the Université du Québec (501-550). The city is also home to the oldest educational institution for women in North America, the Ursuline Convent of Quebec City. Teaching at universities in Quebec City is primarily in French.






  Capital city of the province of Alberta, Edmonton is known for its year-round selection of festivals, earning it the nickname The Festival City. It is equally well-known as the home of the West Edmonton Mall, formerly the biggest shopping mall in the world and currently North America’s biggest shopping mall, and for being one of the most northerly major cities in the world.

  Don’t let this northern location put you off too much. Edmonton’s weather is relatively (emphasis on relatively) mild, even compared to some other more southerly Canadian cities. Its location, towards the west of Canada, also means there is no shortage of natural beauty nearby, and the city itself has plenty of attractions – including Ford Edmonton Park, Canada’s largest living history museum, the buzzing downtown Arts District, and the fashionable Old Strathcona area, where many of Edmonton’s theaters and live-performance venues are located. All this can be found among a mix of modern and historic architecture, including restored historical buildings, and a good range of restaurants, pubs and clubs.

  Among universities in Edmonton, the most notable is the University of Alberta, ranked fourth in Canada and joint 90th in the QS World University Rankings 2018. Other options include the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, NorQuest College, MacEwan University, The King’s University College and Concordia University College of Alberta.





五、布里斯班 布里斯班以最宜居城市出名,环境好,又有,消费又低,非常适合留学。 这里同样以非常适宜居住的气候出名,也不会像霍巴特堪培拉一样安静。 布里斯班主要有3所大学:昆士兰大学昆士兰科技大学和格里菲斯大学。大学基本位于内城区,交通方便,另外,布里斯班的自行车道非常流行。扩展阅读:澳大利亚留学安全常识 一、人身安...

1.热门城市:应谨慎 在中国近年来的留学热潮中,中国学生更希望自己就读于商业氛围浓厚的悉尼和墨尔本这两大澳洲城市.而这两个城市也占了整个留学生比例的70%.这些城市的大学入学分数随着申请者数量的增加而不断增高,也间接增加了申请通过的难度.个别大学在申请时,不仅要求中国的申请学生在国内所在大学是...

第三、世界上生活质量最高的国度 加拿大的城市屡屡被评为世界上最适合人类居住的城市,加拿大政治稳定、福利完善、环境优美、物价低廉、人民富足更得益于和谐的生活环境、轻松的生活节奏和悠闲的生活方式,而且在加拿大汉语被列为第三大普遍使用的语言。 第四、一人申请全家移民 本着家庭不可分割这一宗旨,加拿大移民实...

有些小规模的、名气不大的大学有些专业也是很强的。专业+学校是合理的选择,这对将来的发展是很有帮助的。4. 按移民政策选择学校 这实际上是按加拿大各省的移民政策来选择就读的省份和城市。中国学生赴加拿大留学,除为了学业深造,拿个含金量高的文凭外,相当多的学生有移民的想法,这都是很正常的。

在加拿大上学,他们看中的是学生的独立自主能力,他们有过工作的经历,说明这些学生能够在国外独立的生活,而且他们有了社会责任心,这样的人才能在以后的加拿大留学期间,学习上取得进步,更好的完成学习任务。3.加拿大适合留学的城市 1.温莎,安省 温莎的整体消费水平,要比加拿大整体平均稍微高一点点,...




城市介绍 著名的圭尔夫市(City of Guelph)属惠灵顿县管辖,位于安省首府多伦多(Toronto)的西北面,地处加拿大区域经济中心之一,是著名的高新技术产业开发区,距多伦多及尼亚加拉大瀑布车程一小时。环境:圭尔夫市被评为加拿大最安全的城市之一(Maclean’s杂志)、加拿大三大最适合居住的城市之一(Reader&rsqu...

