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《这是我的一张全家福 我们都在家 我和哥哥在打游戏 我的父母在交谈 我的爷爷在接电话 》翻译成英语 用英语介绍自己的全家福 补充:左边是爸爸妈妈,右边是爷爷奶奶...


im helen,this is a picture of my whole family。tom grandpa、mary grandma、bob dad、and my mom jinny。

My parents are on the left.My grandparents are on the right.I'm in the middle,sitting on lawn

This is a photo of my family we all my brother and I are playing games at home my parents of my grandpa in a conversation on the phone   有图有真相

Here is a photo of my family.All of us are at home.I play computer games with my brother.My parents are talking.And my grandpa is talking on the phone.

别人的我感觉不太标准 比如第一句话

This is my family photo.We are all at home. My brother and I are playing games . My parents are talking. My grandpa is answering the phone.

This is one of my family photos.We are all at home now.My brother and I are playing games. My parents are chatting and my grandfather is answering a call.

This is myoneStewed Assorted Delicacieswe were both at home.My brother and Iare playinggameswith my parentsin my grandfathertalkingon the phone

爸爸说:“我们在这里拍张照吧,留个小小的纪念。”咔嚓一声,我在泸定桥上留了个影。 现在,每当我翻开相册,看到这张照片的时候,就让我想起了红军,想起了红军不怕困难勇往直前的精神。 三: 在我的写字台上有一张是十分温馨、和谐的全家福照醒目的立在那里。迄今还是十分新,因为那是我所珍惜的。 当时的我在...

用英语翻译一下下面的话: 这是我我的全家福,照片里有三个人,分别是爸爸...
this is a family photo. have three people of photo. father mother and me . the photo on the right is mum. on the left is dad.l am in the middle. this is my family photo.

2、我当时拍了第一张全家福,但不知它对于每个家庭和我们部门的意义。I took that first portrait not knowing what it would mean to thefamilies or our department.3、‘有,你看。’我拿出了皮夹,手忙脚乱地翻出了我的全家福照片。I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the ...

5、在我家里,每到吃晚饭的时候,就有筷子声在动来动去,这不是贪嘴,而是我们把菜夹给对方,让他吃多点好东西,这便是我家的幸福带来温馨的家庭。 6、温馨的家就是家人在一起情感的全部,拥有它时,它平凡如柴米油盐酱醋茶;失去它时,掏心掏肝也找不回。 7、因为我们是一家人,所以要团结。 8、我有一个幸福的...

我的家作文400字 我们一家人
其实我们家的工艺品和收藏品非常的多,在下面我会逐一为你们介绍。 旁边是我姐姐的房间,我姐姐的房间的灯是粉色的。房间里面有一台电脑,电脑旁边是她的学习桌。学习桌的上面有她过生日时同学送给她的礼物,走出我姐姐的房间,就是客厅,东面是一个大电视,电视的两边是我的全家福和鲜花,电视的对面有一张舒服的沙发,...

look at this picture,please.this is apicture of my family.请看这张照片,这张照片是我的全家福。in the picture,you can see an old man and an old woman.你在照片里看到的这两位老人,they are my grandfather and geandmother.他们是我的爷爷奶奶。they are over seventy and both of ...

论坛的一个传统就是APEC领导人的全家福。Look, this is my family photo. She is my grandmother.看,这是我的全家福。她是我的奶奶。Look at my family photo.看我的全家福。Hey, guys! It's my first family photo!嘿伙计们这是我第一张全家福 Take out your oldest family photo album and ...

我们又走了一会儿,突然,路旁出现了一条巨大的石头鲤鱼!仔细一看,原来是一把鲤鱼状的大锁!我一见就喜欢上了它,忙缠着妈妈,叫她帮我和“大鲤鱼”拍了一张“合影”。 这便是我最喜欢的一张照片,我将把它永远珍藏在自己记忆的长河中。 2. 以相片为话题写一篇作文 每一张相片都是一段美好的回忆,它记录了我...

i'm zhangqiang. i'm 12 years old this year. this is my family photo. these are my parents .this is my brother zhangli .that is my sister zhanglin. her english name is gina. i have a beautiful room .there are some books on the desk .the computer game is under the ...


