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求翻译,明天要用,下面是中文,翻译成英文版的 求帮忙把一段文字翻译成英文,明天要用,不要用有道翻译的


Dear classmates,
Good morning. I live in Jiangxia. That's right. Hubei Art College is in the same district. It's so close that I don't want accommodate in the school domitory at all. I'm quite interested in everything related with comic and animation, especially CG stuff.
I did think about learn Japanese. But English maybe the best choice for the moment.

We can't live without money in this society. Money effects every aspect of our life. However, many things can't be bought by money, such as the love. And marriage is the sublimation of love. It means the two will live together the whole life. As two independent person will live together so long, money may reduce the puzzlement in life, but compared to money, the affection of each other is more important. Affection is the motivation which surport the two to go further. What's more, marriage is aimed to make life more happy. The real happiness is the feeling sepread out from the bottom of the heart, not the abundance of the material life. It is only the thing of the heart can make people happy. True love help the two live together, even if the life is hard
, they are happy everyday.

In the wind around cigarettes, he saw the figure in the window, he recognized that it was his own, but the shadow go slowly changed. Fuzzy face, as if the misty fog wrapped in the dim the sun, like a drop in the envelope tears.
Gradually, the shadow became clear. Wet Liu Haitie on the forehead, a pair of eyes clear like the Lake Baikal water, long eyelash is hung on a drop of tears. Goose spit yellow early tender face dripping, like waterlilies general. That a sigh, in the weights of heavy pressure in his mind.

In cigarette smoke, he saw the window in the figure, he recognized as themselves, but the shadow go slowly changed. Fuzzy face, as if meng meng of the fog wrapped in a dim the sun, like a dripping tears on the envelope.
Gradually, the shadow became clear. Wet bang on the forehead, a pair of limpid eyes like a congested water of Lake Baikal, long eyelash also hung a drop of tears. Light yellow vomit a tender at the beginning of the rain streamed down the face, think water lotus. Then a sigh, into the weight generally heavy pressure in his mind.

  In the wind around cigarettes,he sawthe figure in thewindow,herecognized that it washis own,butthe shadowgoslowly changed.Fuzzyface,as ifthe mistyfogwrappedinthedim the sun,likea drop inthe envelopetears.Gradually,the shadowbecame clear.WetLiu Haitieon the forehead,a pair of eyesclear likethe Lake Baikalwater,long eyelashis hung ona drop of tears.Goosespityellowearlytenderfacedripping,likewaterliliesgeneral.That a sigh,in theweightsof heavypressure in his mind.

荆轲者,守信而名之也。于今之众人而言,守信者, 乃诚与友也。然其亦为优者也。今人须忆往惜否?有天雨而仍守信赴之者乎?此为真有道者也。守信者,人恒欲交之也。总而言之:友有难而给予帮助者,真友也;应人之事,赴汤蹈火而成之,真守信也。(有些翻译不了的就省略了,望谅解则个...

翻译英语,急用,明天就就要交!! 翻译成中文,谢谢!
.·°∴ ☆..·° 1.He came to the park where they often met eath other.他去了那个他们常常碰面的地方。2.I've bought everything that you need.我已经买了你要的一切。3.This is the best novel that I have ever read.这是我读过的最棒的小说。4.This is the present that ...

Hi, my name is **.I am a student. I study in *** school, which is not large as someone, but I like it very much for its beauty. I live in *** housing district, where is very quiet and lovely. Now let me tell you my way to school everyday. In the morning, I...


帮忙翻译下面的文章 不要去网站翻译了 我明天要用,翻译的好了还有一百...
关于水的表达几乎和水本身一样常见。但许多 用水表达的含义却有不愉快之意。身处热水之中就是这种表达的其中之一。这种表达很古老了。五百年前热水被用来作为身陷困境的意思。有一个故事说它这个含义是这么来的——用沸腾的 水来浇那些攻打城堡人的头上。但现在这不再是一种习俗。但是我们有时仍然是...


高悬赏,明天要用,哪位大哥帮忙翻译一下 谢谢了
Teaching:This lesson for primary school in Jiangsu Oxford English 5 B unit 6 At a PE lesson (second class), so as to nurture students heard that the new delegate to classes. The main sentence is: stand in a line. Put your feet together. Jump up and down… times. Put your...

两小句 中~2级 日语翻译,明天用,请帮忙,在线等!!!

明天要考试了 谁能帮我中译英这些句子?
1、如果能让我们知道该商品的现行价格,我们将不胜感激。2、如果您能提供此类商品,并达到所要求的质量,我们可以定期进行大量订购。3、我们每月最多可供500台各种型号的机器,以及充足的零件。4、我们注意到你们要求额外百分之三的折扣。我们必须指出,报价已经削减到最低。1, If we know that the ...

Carp farms in my Managers Hello, we are going to visit the carp farms to me now. Carp farm equipment I very advanced culture, first-class concept, reasonable feeding carp, is the Shandong provincial demonstration aquaculture units. Below I will introduce you one one conditions of ...

