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School profile
As a provincial (department) level technical school, Changchun Business and Tourism Technical School (Changchun Business Vocational and Technical School) is also an exemplary medium vocational school, and the famous brand school in catering of China. Established in 1979, the school belongs to the Human Resource and Social Security Bureau, and it has developed into a formal and medium sized technical school in cultivating technical and professional students in business, service and tourism fields.
Strength of teaching staff and achievements
We have senior lecturer, lecturer, senior technician, chef, catering service master and senior advising teacher which account for more than 50% of the total teaching team. There are over 10 kinds of teaching materials edited by the school teachers selected as the formal teaching books by the National Educational Ministry and the Labor Ministry. And enjoy the number of over 10 kinds of province and city level research items. In recent years, more than 200 medals have been acquired in various matches ranging from national provincial and municipal levels. Also, the number of famous major teachers and their achievements are on the top in the similar level schools.
The school wins many reputations and titles by Jilin government, Educational Ministry of Changchun, Changchun Human Recourse and Social Security Bureau as follows: province (department) key technical school, Jilin Catering famous school, contributor award for catering of Jilin, satisfied school of Jilin citizen, cultural institute of Changchun.
Implement medium vocational and multiple level educations
Many majors are set up such as cooking and management, cooking and nutrition, west cooking, oriental and western cuisine, service and management of restaurants, tour guide and management, electronic business, advertisement designing skills. cooking and management professional and e-Commerce Professional was appraised as the backbone of the City Board of education, and exemplary professional is distance education branch at Jilin University and City University, Changchun University and other universities, students can joint running in the shortest possible time for college dreams. Employment, inadequate supply of school graduates extensively in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Suzhou, locally renowned institutions, enterprises, star has established long-term employment practice base, signed a cooperation agreement of personnel; students may enter into with school placement employment agreements, the implementation of a paid internship and employment-to-finish, ensure 100% recommend the employment of graduates. Implement succession of education graduates in College learning school is the human resources and Social Security Bureau in Changchun's skill testing station, in the school's students of the course after having passed the examination not only to get education or human social Bureau inspection seal of secondary or mechanics diploma at the same time you can obtain the appropriate labor inspection departments of vocational qualifications. Students at the school entrance examination for participation in the counterpart, the official college.

Considering with the pace of modern urban life become faster and faster, in most families,elderly people do the cooking at home,they usually forget that what is cooking, in order to prevent such an emergency from happening, specially designed inductive sensor with a circle.It can timely remind people,and adjust the dynamic size, and can directly through the sensor off cooker.

Generally speaking, employees have three companies to enter peak period of separation, Hannigan business management consultant explained: probationary period, employees and business is still in the running-in stage, the enterprise has yet to have a sense of belonging. Once the couple discovered the nature of work and expectations do not match, or exceed the workload of their ability, or is not with the owner, will immediately Mengshengquyi. After serving two years the promotion of the crisis, after a period of time staff work on the enterprise, the first opponents have been familiar with the work, eager to have more opportunities and greater challenges, hope to get promotion. Especially if the colleagues at the same time into the enterprise, the students mentioned, but he did not have the opportunity, he would eagerly seek out opportunities after serving five years of work tired of crisis, when the promotion can foresee more and more slowly, and the opportunity to越来The less, for existing enterprises "no freshness," Therefore, as these have been in charge of the people began to look for outside opportunities.
3. Wastage in the domino effect
Why do some people to join the enterprises "to go to work happily," eventually "land have continued to leave" » When the enterprises of non-normal departure from "individual acts" as "a phenomenon", "a trend", managers should reflect on: the enterprise employees do not inhumane or justice » Zhao is one strategy issues or employment mechanism has problems » Business ideas is a deviation or corporate culture has changed flavor »
The current troubled enterprises a major problem is the loss of qualified personnel, especially high-tech enterprises dependent on the talents of the growing, and the modern enterprise's competitiveness depends largely on the talent competition, this gave the companies the work of human resources management The problems, some enterprises in the recruitment of staff when making a "useful only move people, not senior people" slogan, but this does not stop the wastage of talent, often in units of skilled staff, driven in others, Collective flee or were driven in part, from the enterprise to leave in batches, which very often, as we said the "domino effect."
5. Enterprises deal with the objective attitude of the brain drain
"Enterprises are not afraid of people go, people are not afraid of taking a position, there are people afraid of the fault, no one is afraid of the growth and development of talents suitable for the soil." BenQ Deere software enterprises HR consultants night bazaar, open-source said. " We do not often say that this is an era of rapid change them, the staff Xiangtiao Cao that he is seeking changes in the mentality, this mentality is to be encouraged, often by people also have the idea. "Such an attitude is the treatment of enterprises The brain drain of mobile employees or the correct attitude. This attitude not only reflects the objective of the enterprise and upward, but also demonstrates the breadth of enterprise managers in mind.
Enterprise talent management is not the key to some baffled by the rules and regulations and locked John Kao Zhu Li, nor is there fire-fighting and remedial measures, and should be to enable enterprises to become a fertile ground, a theme park, to become a Genshenyemao The Indus tree, the only way it could really lead the Phoenix, to let people have mushroomed as rapid growth is unstoppable.

6. Conclusion
Staff turnover and the switch appears to be personal conduct while in fact it is more often the problem of refraction enterprises. As the deterioration of the environment will cause soil erosion, entrepreneurship environment will result in the deterioration of the loss of talent. When enterprises brain drain, managers need to do is not only the retention of certain individuals, but also to reflect on the "Enterprise is the talent of environmental degradation» ", while self-examination, but also the brain drain of the deep-seated reasons for an in-depth And meticulous analysis, in order to take effective countermeasures.
The brain drain will eventually be summed up as a key issue, that is, hiring and retaining your most valuable talents, with the brain drain and replacement compared to what the higher cost of the problem. Practice shows that the world, more and more enterprises have realized the loss of valuable personnel and replacement costs far more to retain these people spend a higher cost. Therefore, the Optional good, with good people, people will always retain is the survival and development of enterprises of this and the only way.


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