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针对你家乡遭受沙尘暴袭击的问题写一篇英语作文,呼吁大家植树造林,保护环境。 要点:写明环境问题,原 求一篇关于沙尘暴的英语作文


As far as I know,river pollution exist so many places in our country.A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the river because of the serious pollution.Besides river pollution,there are also air pollution,soil pollution and so on.They have done great harm to human lives.Fortunately,more and more people have come to realize how serious the problem is.The government has begun to take measures to fight against pollution.But there is still a long way to go.We should take care of our earth and try our best to win the buttle against pollutin.

THE city's meteorological observatory issued a white warning sign Thursday indicating the city's weather could be influenced by a tropical sand storm in the next two days

The meteorological observatory in Beijing said the storm could hit the city

"Coastal areas in eastern Beijing could have winds as strong as force 8," the observatory said

The air quality will bee rather terrible with the sand storm
The wind and sand will cause the city pulluted
Terrible sand storm!

Having been deeply influenced by the sandstorm which had attacked the northern part of Shandong Province, I feel it is our duty to plant trees and protect the environment. There were many trees here in the past, but now people destroy the woods to develop more fields for cultivation. Then, the climate changed and the desertification became serious . Therefore, we should all know that it's our responsibility to plant trees
Forest and mankind, mankind intimate partners, is an important part of the global ecological system. If there is no forest land, most biological extinction, the vast majority of water will flow into the ocean; the oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce, carbon dioxide will increase; the temperature can significantly increased, flood and drought disasters occur frequently. Forest, but also can improve the air quality, reduce soil loss, water conservation, reduce the harm of sand blown by wind, reduce noise pollution, beautify the environment and so on. The forest is precious natural resources, is the human to pillar foundation, and was known as the "lungs of the earth". Why the forest to maintain the ecological balance has an important role? First of all, the nature of all need oxygen to sustain life, and forest is a natural oxygen machine, if the forest and other green plants, is destroyed, the biological survival loses safeguard. In addition, the forest can regulate the temperature, stop acid rain, dust, noise is attenuated, reducing wind, reduce natural disasters. Destruction of forest resources to environmental impact is very serious, loss of ecological balance. Caused by high temperature, air quality is bad, also caused the extinction of wild animals.

Forest fire is the most dangerous enemy is forest, forestry is the most terrible disaster. It will give the forest with devastating consequences. Forest fire not only burned forest patches, injury in animals, but also reduce the forest regeneration ability -- a fire, the forest may take decades or even centuries to recover. It can cause the poverty of the soil and water conservation function of forest destruction, even lead to ecological balance. Although now the world science in developing rapidly, however, the human in the uniform of forest fires, but still has not been made a great progress.

The present situation of the forest, a lot of people do not know. Please see" -- many tractors, bulldozers rumbled, difficult to count the trees down to the ground. The animals were scared away, plots of land were bulldozed flat.

It is human behavior? Love forest! Action bar! Deforestation deforestation forest is human folly, then do not do the harm descendants. We must protect the existing forest resources! Beware of forest fires happening again!

We should plant more trees
As everybody knows,wood has many uses.It is a kind of very important building material.Wood can be made into desks,chairs,beds and many other things.Fine paper is made of wood,too.Only trees can provide us with enough wood.Trees can also provide us with oxygen and make the air around us fresh.In hot summer trees give us shade and make our surroundings more beautiful.What’s more,trees can stop soil from being washed away by heavy rains.Since trees are so important to us,we should plant more trees.At the same time,many effective measures should be taken to protect forests and prevent trees from being cut down.

She blamed the young man for not apologizing to the old person.

作文 我的家乡


这是哪呀?这是我那美丽的家乡——柞水。 忆往昔,人们砍伐树木给自己家造房,导致沙尘暴、狂风雨成...可是这次,妈妈却神秘地对我说:“蓉蓉,回去后会让你更大吃一惊,更加让你喜欢上家乡” 我觉得很好奇


2.遭受自然灾害的实例。3.抵御自然灾害的措施和实施效果。4.对家乡自然灾害的措施和实施效果。 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 你觉得同居会更容易让感情变淡吗? 匿名用户 2014-01-07 展开全部 沙尘暴的成因 沙尘暴与干旱荒漠化地区不合理开发有直接关系。 通过考察沙尘暴发源地生态环境的现状,探究了...




篇四:二十年后的家乡 二十年后的家乡是怎么样的呢?让我们进入时空隧道看看家乡的模样吧。 穿越时空,我看到我们的家乡是这样的:我们的母亲河龙津河黑黑的,就像我们刷房子用的黑油漆一样;我们本来茂盛的树,不知怎的,变成了光秃秃的土地,造成了大量的沙尘暴,这些沙尘暴不停地攻击祖国美丽的环境,这就是人类大量的...


