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求翻译下面这一段中文!翻译成英语 一个权力失去约束的社会是可怕的,一个丧失人性的人是血腥的。面对 帮忙翻译一下,翻译成英语的,谢谢了!!


One. Pressure with us
Psychological pressure will be the 21st century, one of the most serious health problems. In daily life, everyone will run into a variety of pressures, and some pressure is simply unavoidable.
Ten encountered in life stress killer as:
1 death of relatives
2 jail
3 Divorce
4 major personal health and disease killed
5 career hit
6 major change in family health
7 out of work
8 fiscal deficit
9 children leave home
10 quarrel with spouse
Two. Understanding of pressure
1 pressure on the formation of three conditions
(1) perception of the stimulus caused by the existence
(2) the individual's cognitive stimulation
(3) the duration of stimulation in a
2 the three stages of stress response
(1) panic reaction
Physical characteristics of the pressure first exposed. At the same time, the resistance decreased.
(2) resistance
If the response to exposure to stress will tend to adapt to the resistance increase beyond normal levels.
(3) exhausted
After reaction with a constant exposure to stress, the body has been able to adjust. Eventually adapt to the energy depletion.
3 sources of stress
(1) pressure
Including important changes in life, the small problems of life, accident disaster, long-term social problems
(2) sources of work stress
Including environmental factors, organizational factors, personal factors.
4 The human need for external
(1) the need for self-realization
(2) the need to respect: that a person's self-respect and respect for others needs to be.
(3) the needs of society: work in groups through the attribution of social activities organized by the company's needs.
(4) physical needs: such things, air, habitat needs.

After 2 months of hard work, I have finally finished the paper works for my graduation design and essay. I would like to thank my mentor for the designs. He has offered many suggestions on the selection of the topic of the graduation essay and also on the technical part. He has also taken time off his busy schedule to help me for the last part of testing and correcting phase of my work. This has enabled me to finish my graduation design successfully. The teacher is erudited, has a sharp mind and a good working style and these has given me a lasting impression. This will help me for life. I hereby dedicate my sincere gratitude to my teacher.
I would also like to thank the teachers in the school, for guiding me and helping me selflessly during my years in the university. During the actual development of my work, I have deeply realized the importance of knowing the basic theories. It is important to study well in the university, and have a firm grasp on the basic theories. This will enable me to learn better and faster in my future jobs, and then make achievements and contribute to the society.

Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow classmates, for helping me and giving me support for my graduation essay and design. After four months of doing graduation design, I have learnt a lot about Jsp, MVC, WEB design knowledge, and also many things that I could not have learnt from the books. I have learnt to apply my knowledge from the past and this is very helpful to me for my future job. From receiving the topic of my essay to developing it systematically, then to finishing the essay, every step is a challenge and a new experience for me. This is also the biggest project I have finished since my course in the university. During this period of time, I have really learnt a lot, from not knowing a lot about setting up of websites and JSP, Servlet, ZK related skills, I embarked on a journey of learning. Reading related resources and books have made the unclear concepts in my head clear, and made my once immature work slowly improve. Every change I made have come from what I have learnt, every success of an experiment will thrill me for a long time. I have also learnt the fun setting up of websites have brought to our lives.

From building an analysis of demand to building a data bank and designing a detailed encoding, I have followed the steps of an actual project and done my own work. I think this is a great challenge for me, and it is a real learning experience. I hope that the experience I have gathered through this project can spur me on in the future.

Due to time constraints and limitations of skills and equipment, the system has some faults and can be further enhanced.

好累>.< 纯手工翻译的~要是好的话就采用吧^ ^

A society is territory without the limitation of rights.A person who lost the humanity is bloodsucking. Your social standards now and later will absolutely depend on either you give up or exert it reasonably when you get the rights. Although this experiment bring you the unavoidable aftermath, it reflects the impact that the rights have on human being.

求采纳,我想说,楼上的亲,although but 不能连用。


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I will do it. Because this is me. Ru standing here to thank you. O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ Thank you everybody~ Happy New Year 我是一个并不漂亮的女生,但是我深知要坚强,即使我很软弱,因为只有这个样子才不会被人欺负。我喜欢孤独,我喜欢忧伤,我喜欢听歌,我喜欢看电视剧,我喜欢和其...

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ensuring the quality of projects, ensure period, get the key link of best economic benefit. Now will concern highway engineering construction machinery management of the general method, influence factors and the problems existing in the management were discussed in this paper.翻译好了 ...

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My honor sir,I am honored to have wirriten to you.When i was a child,i really showed great honorto your club.The team ,in my opinion,it's the best one in the world and i will try my best to support it .I believe that i will keep on doing this even in death.I ...

