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英语翻译 1。半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来,我们只好走回家。(go by) 2。玛丽看上去对汉语 求翻译:半小时过去了,但末班车还没有来,我们只好走回家 时态...

半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来.我们只好走回家. 翻译成英语~

half an hour past, but the last bus didn't come, so we had to walk back home.

Since half an hour went by, the last bus hasn't yet come. All we can do is walking home.

1、Half an hour has passed, but the last bus hasn't come yet, so we have to walk home.

2、Mary seems worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn't learned the text by heart.

3、Since the basketball game has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.

4、He lived in Australia with his parents throughout World War II.

5、Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have lost contact with my college classmates.

  • Half an hour passed, but the last train had not yet arrived, so we had to walk home.

  • Mary seemed worried about the Chinese exam because she hadn't memorized the texts yet.

  • Now that the basketball game has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.

  • He lived with his parents in Australia throughout world war II.

  • Since graduating from Nanjing University in 1985, I can say that I have lost contact with my college classmates.

1. Half an hour passed, but the last bus hasn't come yet, we had to walk home.
2.Mary seems to Chinese exam very worried because she hasn't memorize the text.
3. Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well to visit the museum.
4. Throughout the second world war he has been lived with my parents in Australia.
5. Since 1985, graduated from nanjing university, say I lost contact with my college classmates.

1、Half an hour went by, the last train had not yet arrived, so we had to walk home.
2、Mary seemed worried about the Chinese exam because she hadn't learned the texts by heart yet.

3、Now that the basketball game has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.

4、He lived with his parents in Australia throughout world war II all the way.

5、Since graduating from Nanjing University in 1985, I can say that I have lost touch with my college classmates.

  1. Half an hour passed, but the last train had not yet arrived, so we had to walk home.

  2. Mary seemed worried about the Chinese exam because she hadn't memorized the texts yet.

  3. Now that the basketball game has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.

  4. He lived with his parents in Australia throughout world war II.

  5. Since graduating from Nanjing University in 1985, I can say that I have lost contact with my college classmates.

...翻译:1.她昨天回家很晚 2.会议将持续两个小时 3.在过去十年里,我的...
1. She went home very late last night 2. The meeting will last two hours 3. In the past ten years, my hometown has changed a lot.4. This afternoon I wanted to talk to you5. They successfully completed a plan6. We all believe that Jack is an honest boy7. He didn't ...

若以每“看”一次单词花时5秒记,则用以上方法在1个半小时内可把192个单词熟悉7次。且记忆效果良好。 记忆单词中,记忆占三分,方法占一分,而复习占六分。光学习,记忆而不复习,则劳而无功,甚至功亏一篑。建议白天复习后,晚上睡觉前再复习一次;第二天早上又复习一次,三天后再复习一次(或一个星期后复习一次)...


Tom is my new neighbour, but we have known each other for many years. we met in a friend's birthday party. he is a teacher and likes travelling very much. now he has been in Tie Ling for two weeks. next week, he will go to Da Lian for one day. then he'll back ...

一天,珍妮不得不离开苏半个小时。 “做个好女孩,”她说。“自己安静地玩。如果你需要什么东西,去找隔壁的女士。” 当珍妮回到家时,她问苏,“你有没有做一个好女孩?” “哦,当然,妈咪,”苏回答。 “我出去的时候你都做了些什么呢?”珍妮问她。 “我装成了邮递员,”她告诉珍妮。 “你怎样装成邮递员呢...


初级的第一节为单句翻译,给出10个句子,要求考生将其译成汉�英 语。第二节给出1篇250字左右的英�汉 文章,要求考生将其译成汉�英 。题量各11道题,分值各50分,总计100分,时间为3小时。 中级为各给出两篇英�汉 语文章、每篇250词左右,要求考生将其译成汉�英 语。题量各为两道,分值各100分...

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将语句翻译成英语 1.那听起来很有趣
那听起来很有趣 That sounds interesting.他们打算去法国度假 They are going to take a holiday in France.听起来是个好主意 It sounds a good idea!我打算和父母一起过五一 I want to spend May Day with my parents.我准备在家放松一下 I am going to relax at home.你打算去哪里度假?

