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Change starts from the moment I met you

Since June 2011 when the department was established, it has been more than one and a half years, during which all of us are happy and full of emotion into the work of learning, has been seriously dedicated to treat each work, and strive to work a success dare have the slightest slack Heart sector development has made its due responsibility. Years of this and grow together, we both established friendly relations colleagues or become indispensable friend of daily life. We witness the growth of the company and the sector believe that the company also saw our efforts.

We know that the leadership of the company is only the achievements of our culture today, we most of us are just graduated from the confused to the direction of their struggle with a little. We are thankful encountered such responsible leadership. Based on love and trust in the leadership, in view of the intensity of the work now, we hope that the company can raise wages hope 3000 yuan monthly salary + bonus of $ 800 (the 2000 original basic salary bonus 800).

The human pursuit of higher goals and his wit on the development of the faster in order for companies to create greater value. 12 years, the company had promised our activity funds, and so far we have not a collective activity, had requested not been approved, for unknown reasons, and we, of course, want to use their funds to get the chance to relax. We know that the company may have the company's difficulties, However, since the commitment for everyone, if you really can not be achieved, we hope that the company can be informed. If employees work without a clear incentives and assessment standards, the level of the quality of the staff, do do do more small, well bad just to get the basic wage, and that for them, sacrifice to pay for the work enthusiastically, for time to rest and physical health is unfair and not worth it.

Half of this year, our workload has increased at the same time we are also strict demands on the quality of each piece of information. Here we do not have to say how to do their own work and how to work attitude. During this time, we believe that the leaders can see our efforts pay, raise the salary requirements, not too much. We have always believed that, as long as the pay, there will be a harvest!

If the leadership of the company that we work content and quality failed to meet the required monthly salary, comments or suggestions our sincere hope that the leadership can put forward sincerely willing to let our future efforts in the direction and objectives, to upgrade their skills At the same time do a better job, to a higher goal. Please also leadership assured, if the company will not be considered, we will still be the same as before, with a positive, serious and responsible attitude to do every thing will not neglect our knowledge and accomplishment we should do.

Please consider our application.

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