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Travelling is a good way to broaden people's horizon so I love to travel around my country when I have spare time.

Travel (旅行)是动词,名词的意思是旅途;a good way to do sth “是一个好方式” ;broaden horizon 开拓眼界(perspective也不算错);

Last Friday I went to Qing Dao by train with my parents. It was the first time I took the express train which only used one day to get there.We arrived there around 6 pm in the evening and then checked in the restaurant to have dinner. The food in that restaurant was delicious. During night, we enjoyed the beautiful sight of urban scenery. What a exciting day!

express train 快车;behold 是看某人或某样东西,看风景最好用enjoy

Unfortunately, the weather was rainny on Saturday and the rain was so heavy that blocked us from going out.Therefore, we played cards in the room.

block sb from doing sth 阻碍某人做某事

It was sunny the next day so we decided to go to the beach. We had a relaxation and it was an enjoyable afternoon.

We only stayed in Qing Dao for few days but during these days we experienced a lot and saw many new things. It was an impressive journey for me!


What are the benefits of space research?

With the development of the society, more and more countries tend to join the exploration of space. Obviously, with the help of research space, many countries can get scientific and economic benefits. There are three reasons for the space research.

First of all, see from the economic aspect. We are in the competitive society; the financial affect of space has draw great attention throughout the world. For example, some developed countries want to get foreign currency, but the local tourism is not that attractive. So they build the idea to develop a kind of tourisms of space. After they are launched, a host of tourists would be attracted by this subject, such as visiting the space or staying at the space for a few days.

In addition, we can also see from the scientific aspect. I think it's very important. Nowadays the most difficult subject is a space research in the field of science. A report from China Daily showed that some scientists pointed out that if the government develops the space exploration that is exceedingly beneficial to the science, it will contribute a lot to the developing of the country. For instance, if the research in space makes great achievements, there also will be significant advancement in science and even political stance.

However, some people are strongly against space research, because they think this is a waste of money and resource of developing countries. I think this point is exaggerated and paltry. On the contrary, some developing countries need to have the way to develop their culture, improve their scientific, technological and finical strength. How can a country develop without space research?

In a word, I think the seeking of space is a topic which deserves public interest and concern. And it's important to cultivate the young get interested in it, thus the teachers should encourage them to read some book about space. By this way, children can not only widen their horizon, but also make their knowledge profound.

So I think the space research is beneficial for everyone.

Hi Karen

Haven't been together for a long time. How are you doing ?

I am going to hold a party in my home, from 7 to 11 PM on Christmas Eve. I hope you and your family can come to the party. I am looking forward to your arrival.

I'll prepare many kinds of fruits, salad, snacks and your favorite Beijing Roust Duck. A lot of friends are invited and we can enjoy the night together. It will be in our very precouis memories.

RSVP requested

B. Rgds.

XXXX(your name)




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孩子英语作文抄袭 仅仅只是孩子学习问题吗?


