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Good sisters


sis.ter AHD:[s¹s“t…r] D.J.[6sist*] K.K.[6s!st+] n.Abbr. s.(名词)缩写 s. A girl or woman having the same moth er and father as another. 姐妹:与另一位女孩或女人有相同的父母 的女孩或女人 A girl or woman having one parent in c ommon with another; a half sister. 同父异母或同母异父的姐妹:与另一位女 孩或女人有相同的父亲或者母亲的女孩或 女人;同父异母或同母异父的姐妹 The daughter of a person's stepparent by a previous marriage; a stepsister. 异父异母的姐妹:某人继父或继母以前婚 姻所生的女儿;继姐妹 A girl or woman who shares a common ancestry, allegiance, character, or purp ose with another or others, specifically: 亲如手足的女子:与另一(些)女孩或女 人有相同的祖先、事业、性格或目标的女 人或女孩,尤指: A kinswoman. 女亲属 A woman fellow member, as of a sorori ty. 女会员:女性成员,例如妇女联谊会的成 员 A fellow woman, friend, or companion. 女伙伴,朋友或同事 A soul sister. 黑人女子 A woman who advocates, fosters, or tak es part in the feminist movement. 拥护、鼓励或参与女权运动的妇女 Informal Used as a form of address for a woman or girl. 【非正式用语】用于称呼女人或女孩的 一种形式 Sister Abbr. Sr.Ecclesiastical Sister 缩写Sr.【基督教会】 A member of a religious order of wome n; a nun. 修女:女性宗教团体的成员;尼姑 Used as a form of address for such a w oman, alone or followed by the woman' s name. 对修女的称呼:用于对这样妇女的称谓, 单独使用或放在该女性名字后面 Chiefly British A nurse, especially the he ad nurse in a ward. 【多用于英国】护士:护士,尤指病房 中的护士长 One identified as female and closely rel ated to another: 相同类型的东西:被认为是姐妹般的且相 互有亲密关系的东西: “the sisters Death and Night”(Walt Whit man) “死亡与黑暗是一对姐妹”(沃尔特·惠特曼) adj.(形容词) Related by or as if by sisterhood; closel y related: 姐妹(般)的:姐妹关系或仿佛是姐妹关 系的;关系亲密的: sister ships; sister cities. 姐妹船;姐妹城 Genetics Of or being one of an identical pair: 【遗传学】完全相同的:属于或是完全 相同的一双中的一个: sister chromatids. 完全相同的染色体

Middle English 中古英语 partly from Old English sweostor 部分源自古英语sweostor and from Old Norse systir * see swesor -并源自古斯堪的纳维亚语systir *参见 s wesor-

sister sis.ter AHD:[s�0�1s“t…r] D.J.[6sist*] K.K.[6s!st+] n.Abbr. s.(名词)缩写 s. A girl or woman having the same mother and father as another. 姐妹:与另一位女孩或女人有相同的父母的女孩或女人 A girl or woman having one parent in common with another; a half sister. 同父异母或同母异父的姐妹:与另一位女孩或女人有相同的父亲或者母亲的女孩或女人;同父异母或同母异父的姐妹 The daughter of a person's stepparent by a previous marriage; a stepsister. 异父异母的姐妹:某人继父或继母以前婚姻所生的女儿;继姐妹 A girl or woman who shares a common ancestry, allegiance, character, or purpose with another or others, specifically: 亲如手足的女子:与另一(些)女孩或女人有相同的祖先、事业、性格或目标的女人或女孩,尤指: A kinswoman. 女亲属 A woman fellow member, as of a sorority. 女会员:女性成员,例如妇女联谊会的成员 A fellow woman, friend, or companion. 女伙伴,朋友或同事 A soul sister. 黑人女子 A woman who advocates, fosters, or takes part in the feminist movement. 拥护、鼓励或参与女权运动的妇女 Informal Used as a form of address for a woman or girl. 【非正式用语】 用于称呼女人或女孩的一种形式 Sister Abbr. Sr.Ecclesiastical Sister 缩写 Sr.【基督教会】 A member of a religious order of women; a nun. 修女:女性宗教团体的成员;尼姑 Used as a form of address for such a woman, alone or followed by the woman's name. 对修女的称呼:用于对这样妇女的称谓,单独使用或放在该女性名字后面 Chiefly British A nurse, especially the head nurse in a ward. 【多用于英国】 护士:护士,尤指病房中的护士长 One identified as female and closely related to another: 相同类型的东西:被认为是姐妹般的且相互有亲密关系的东西: “the sisters Death and Night”(Walt Whitman) “死亡与黑暗是一对姐妹”(沃尔特·惠特曼) adj.(形容词) Related by or as if by sisterhood; closely related: 姐妹(般)的:姐妹关系或仿佛是姐妹关系的;关系亲密的: sister ships; sister cities. 姐妹船;姐妹城 Genetics Of or being one of an identical pair: 【遗传学】 完全相同的:属于或是完全相同的一双中的一个: sister chromatids. 完全相同的染色体 Middle English 中古英语 partly from Old English sweostor 部分源自 古英语 sweostor and from Old Norse systir * see swesor- 并源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 systir *参见 swesor-


你好!我的姐妹 My sister

sister-german或者full sisters

兄弟姐妹 [词典] brothers and sisters [例句]I think it is important for children to have brothersand sisters they can relate to.我认为对孩子们来讲有可以相互理解沟通的兄弟姐妹很重要。

楼上这些也太。。。中国式英语了吧。个人认为,所谓的好姐妹,就是好朋友,不是真正的姐妹啊。所以应该是good friends或者是best friends。

表(堂)兄弟的英文为:cousin 读音:英 [ˈkʌzn] 美 ['kʌzn]n.堂[表]兄弟姊妹;远亲,同辈 1、My cousin Mark helped me 表兄马克帮了我。2、Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps 西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们东德的兄弟姐妹则喜欢喝杜松子酒...

双胞胎姐妹的英文:twin sister 英 [twin ˈsistə] 美 [twɪn ˈsɪstɚ]孪生姐妹 1、I can tell her from her twin sister.我能区分出她和她的双胞胎姐姐。2、Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying.这里是我和我的双胞胎妹妹刘英。

欢迎来到Wind的每日听写课堂,我是你的私人语言学习导师Wind,曾担任《生活大爆炸》和《神探夏洛克》字幕组组长,我已经坚持每天为你解析60秒美剧片段,让你沉浸在纯正的英语世界中,享受每日的“生肉”挑战。今天我们要学习的是兄弟姐妹的英文表达及其用法。在对话中,当被问及兄弟姐妹关系时,如"I had ...

有血缘的叫my sisters 然后闺蜜之类的就直接,my girlfriends


姑、舅、姨的子女,引申还可作“远亲”“同辈”“同族者”“同胞”解,指有亲缘关系或种族、文化等方面相关联的人,后面接介词of强调身份,跟to强调亲戚关系。例句:Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps.西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们东德的兄弟姐妹则喜欢喝杜松子酒。

