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请各位好心的英语高手,帮我翻译一下可以吗?我真的很急用,谢谢大家,非常感谢!!! 哪位好心人帮忙翻译点英语啊!!!我很着急真的很急!!!谢谢大...


在脚踝-关节的扭伤之后,那膝的那些排列秒。 举例来说,膝的扭转受伤能导致它的中间或侧面并列的 ligamentous 系统的泪滴。 中间的边被偏爱。 比较严格不安定的告示能与完全的延长的膝一起见到。 泪滴那 ,,intemal-膝-结带?±,所谓的十字形的 iigaments, 带领到给- 方法症状当很好地之时在延长方面当做在膝-弯曲的 7 O9 O0 中。 诊断和治疗与类似什么被对脚踝-关节的扭伤说。最重要的趋势是, 那保守的治疗, 尤其音带的申请和特别的支柱, 能时常替换先前的-采取外科的程序。
如果一个膝流出物, 和尤其 haemarthrosis, 是显然了同样地藉着临床调查 (舞蹈-膝盖骨-告示) 很好地当做藉着后续破坏, arthroscopy 应该早被运行调查那全部扩充 oftrauma(桌子: ,jridications 为膝 -arthroscopy?±).
指示为膝 -arthroscopy:
> Haemarthrosis
> 阻塞
> Therapyrefractory 诉苦
> 已经已知损害的治疗
> 较进一步的治疗的计划
> 损害的探险?ˉ s 扩充
> 复杂不安定扩充
> 蓄脓症的一些情形
> arthroscopic 后的第二个神情手术
版权教授。 货车博士 Laack 、 Aachen, 德国

尤其陪伴损害一定被发现和 ITeated。 撕开的结带的早缝合应该被偏爱。 有时增加的外科程序是必需的。今天, ligamentoplasties 应该是一个中级操作的程序, 在也许数个月之后对一年休息, 测试, 如何 compensatqyy 加强的肌肉能有效地被运行。 它一定再被说, 外科的重建不能是比保守好的治疗, 如果有 ACL- 破裂:
在运动中的较多的膝-受伤 (桌子: 常见的膝受伤)
所有膝的大部分-受伤, occr 在运动期间-活动,是软-薄的纱织品损害。 并列和十字形结带的损害已经被提到。
通常的膝 -iniuries:
> 新月形流泪:
> 拍打泪滴
> 纵观的泪滴
> 桶子-柄的泪滴
> 水平的泪滴
> 斜和光线的泪滴
> 退步的泪滴
> 结带使膝破裂进:
> 前面的十字形的 lig。 (acl)
> 在后的十字形的 lig。 (pcl)
> 结带破裂在膝之外:
> 中间的并列 lig
> 侧面的并列 lig
> 解放身体, osteochondral frapmenj 5
版权教授。 货车博士 Laack 、 Aachen,德国

the film has been invented for more than 100 years, during this period, it has been developed quickly, on one hand it depends on the advance of technique, on the other hand it relies on the advance of dicretors' thoughts. movie technique progressed with each passing day in 20th century. modern films was produced with breaking from traditional films.it contributed to enrich and develop the traditional's connotation and media-made of images. making a general survey of the history of film developing, the film was no longer for entainment, it turns to be a kind of presentation format of arts. film experienced from the shadow play and silent cinema. talking about silent cinema, we remind chaplin. you must have seen the films of chplin,though it has no sound, it brings us joys as well. we can say that without the silent cinema by chaplin, there would be no modern films. modern films refer to often-seen sound film. at first it just provided black and white images, with the development of human's living level and technology, the images became colourful.

1、1.He is the famous American writer.

2.Because he was very tired.

3.He wanted to wake up in Dijon

4....wake up

5.It was in Paris(already).

全手打 如有问题 欢迎追问


答案。最后一题应该是stay at home, 不是stoy 1 She will leave Madrid next month.2.Her husband will go with her.3.I will go to the butchers tomorrow morning.4.They will travel to New York next week.5.I will clean my room tomorrow.6.He will pack his bags the day after ...

考研复试英语口语需要的,请各位好心人帮帮忙啦,急需各位高手的帮助,后 ...
1。每天保证一定的阅读量 2。每天保证一定的听力的时间,至少15分钟的时间,集中注意力,并有意识地去记忆好的句子 3。日常思考的时候,尝试用英语思考、想问题以培养语感。细则 听力:1.从special english做起。每天听写1篇。一定要坚持。2.每听一首英文歌曲。初步定在每周6晚。精读:1.学习新概念英语...

Knowledge marketing is the product of the era of knowledge economy,The enterprise's marketing major breakthrough and change,Give enterprise infuse new lease of life,Brings new hope. In the era of knowledge economy, private enterprise practice knowledge marketing is crucial, relates to ...

常有人问我:学英语有什么诀窍?说老实话,要想掌握一种语言,在缺乏必要的语言环境的条件下,实在没有什么捷径可走.概括起来,只有四个字:下苦功夫.我这绝对不是随便说说漂亮话而已. 凭我这几年学习英语的体会,只有日积月累,通过量变,才有可能实现质的飞跃.记得曾经有一段时间,在下了一番苦功夫之后,...

我觉得,要提高英语成绩不能光注重量的问题,应该学会归纳,捡精。试取质的优势。应该先把基础打扎实,不能在考试中在最简单,最易得分的题上失手,其次是选好的文章、阅读来看,也可以背,这样长时间会形成语感。对阅读有很大的帮助。http:\/\/url.cn\/GXZQ6g 英语是单词和语法的综合,所以单词和语法...

请各位好心的英语高手,帮我翻译一下可以吗?我真的很急用,谢谢大家,非 ...
当然,让孩子在开始做作业前吃点对健康有益的点心也不错。3. 还要记得对孩子来说,做作业是他们的责任。有些孩子在碰到难题时,很容易放弃思考,转而向爸爸妈妈求助,(这时)要尽量让他们自己先解决。这么做了之后,他们在攻克难题后会有成就感。通过这样的方法,我们可以培养他们自我帮助的习惯。

Today is one suits the day which goes to the beach, therefore Jason and the Paul decision must arrive at the beach to play, when they arrive at the beach, there already very many people. Some people go shopping, some people in the snack bar to play the water in the ...

第一行 you are such a kind girl that I will never forget. 你的句子不太顺 用我的。第二行 ...and learned that you are busy... 用learn比较好 并且注意时态。第三行 中间那个句子很难受。Maybe we are meant to live in the moments, but for us, at least for me, those moments...

The day arrived. the country with its strong strength of the chinese people, home or from overseas, well received as a shadow of turmoil. liberia, japan, the answer to many national security. as one of the old saying: this moment, i truly feel the strength and stability in ...

哈哈哈哈哈哈 花露水用莎士比亚的to be or not to be?!表示有喜感了 The reader can immediately realize that this "Bi Li" anti-mosquito cologne has reenacted the famous line "To be or not to be, that is the question (原文里是the question,不是a question)". This kind of ...

