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高手帮忙把汉语翻译成英语`(急!!!!) 英语高手帮忙翻译成汉语!谢谢


纯手翻!!!!!!! 急要分,谢谢


Hello everyone, nice to me you all again!

I felt very disappointed to my performance in last interview.

So I deeply treasure today’s chance and don’t want to miss it.

Therefore, when I went back, I have prepared a new material for today’s last interview.

Hope I can get your good advices.

OK, let’s come to the topic. Today my topic is how to speak American English natively. On this topic, I am convinced that each of you have your own opinion.

Here I want to present my own idea. That is to watch more foreign movies with their original language. If you are not well trained, subtitles could also be optional. Meanwhile, to listen to more English songs and tapes are also useful.

To imitate more, watch more ,listen more and practice more , one will naturally acquire a native American language.

Because the limitation of the conditions, today I have prepared an article and I will read it for you all.

Ok, then , please look at the article in your hands.

I will read it sentence by sentence, please read after me, thanks.


最近我耳朵里总充斥着朋友们的兴奋言语,比如“贝克汉姆太帅了,那么酷,俺忍不住爱上他了”,或“他的球技真绝!” 当然,在某种程度上俺对此赞同,但俺有时会想问他们:除了贝克汉姆的外貌外,究竟对贝克汉姆了解多少?除了知道进球外,对足球了解多少?滑稽的是,咱常常会为一些自己并不熟悉或者一知半解的东西而疯狂。但是所有人——朋友们,还有俺——都把这个当作生活的乐趣之一。




我们有一个足球. We have a football

他们没有一个棒球 They don't have a baseball

我的爸爸妈妈没有一辆小轿车 My parents don't have a car

他有一支黑色的钢笔 He has a black pen

迈克有一个红色的笔记本吗? Does Mike have a red notebook?

她的妹妹没有闹钟 Her younger sister doesn't have a alarm clock

莉莉和露西有一台电脑吗?Do Lily and Lucy have a computer?

你有一个网球拍吗? Do you have a tennis racket?

这个女孩有一个书包 This girl has a school bag

We have a football
They has no a baseball
My father's mother has no a small car
He has a fountain-pen of black
Does exceeding the gram have a notebook of red?
Her younger sister has no alarm clock
Do 莉莉 and Lucy have one set computer?
Do you have a tennis racket?
This girl has a schoolbag

We have a football
Theye don't have a baseball
My parents haven't got a car
He has a black pen
Does Mike has a red notebook?
Her sister doesn't a clock
Does Lily and Lucy have a computer?
Do you have a tennis racket?
This girl has a bag

We have a football.
They don't have a baseball.
My parents don't have a car.
He has a black pen.
DoesMick has a red notebook?
Her younger sister doesn't have an alarm clock.
Do Lily and Lucy have a computer?
Do your have a tennis racket?
This girl has a bag.

1.We have a soccer ball.
2.They don't have a baseball.
3.My parents don't have a car.
4.He has a black pen.
5.Does Mike have a red notebook?
6.Her sister doesn't have an alarm clock.
7.Do Lily and Lucy have a computer?
8.Do you have a tennis racket?
9.This girl has a backpack.

1.We have got a football
2.They has no a baseball
3.My parents didn't have got a car
4.He has a black pen
Does Mike has a red notebook?
Her sister doesn't have a clock
Does Lily and Lucy have a computer?
Do you have a tennis racket?
This girl has a bag

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to listen, speak, read and write.这是有道词典自动翻译的结果,我英语水平也很差,就把第一句明显有错的地方改了一下发上来了。话说,你第一句应该写错了吧?我感觉这样的翻译应该够用了,如果你真想人工翻译的话,可以用有道人工翻译服务(付费)或追加悬赏,不然高手们都没动力啊!望采纳。

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