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逐句分析的追加5-10分,求帮修改作文,写错语法错误需要改正的地方,15分满分能打几分? 逐句分析的追加5-10分,求帮修改作文,写错语法错误需要改正...


THE POPULARITY OF BLOG (The Popularity of Blog)
In recent years, blog becoming more and more popular in people’s life. Many
改为has become,否则无谓语
people use their to express their ideas and exchange their minds with others.
如果想简洁些就直接express and exchange their ideas with others
Why does blog becoming popular recently?In my eyes, I think the main
改become In my view,且后面不用“I think”或直接Personally
reason is that more and more people have their own computers now. So
people can access to their blog whenever and wherever they want to. What is
加get 删
more, many people ,especially the younger, alway like to follow the fashion.
When the people around them have their own blogs and playing popular, they
will follow them as soon as they can, or they may feel they have been out of
fashion. Finally, some people may be shy to talk with others face to face, so
they prefer to blog, they can say whatever want to.
加by which,否则不能用“,“并列
With the popularity of blog, some problem that causes by the blog have been
problems are caused,用被动
brought into public focus. For one thing, some students lose themselves in
playing blog, result in that they can't concentrate on studying. It isn't benefit to
resulting,用非谓 doesn’t
their future life. For another, all kinds of things we can search out from the
can be searched
blog, no matter beneficial or harmful. Youngers may read something that isn't
no matter不能单用,可以 no matter how beneficial or harmful they are
The young,如果后文用adult这里可以用adolescents
suitable to them without the adults' guidance.

首先第一行 a growing 要分开 instead of 是介词短语,spend要加ing变成spending
第四行 are vary中的are要去掉,vary本身是动词,就不用are了
第五行 killing要变成kill动词原形,因为前面是should助动词,后接动词原形。
倒数第五行 harm要变成harmful ,is harmful to是一个固定搭配,意思是对什么有害。 body要变成bodies,因为前面是their,复数。 把and mind if 换成because of因为,这样就能更通顺,其他持不同观点的人或许会担心这对他们的身体有害处,因为缺乏体育锻炼和人与人之间面对面的沟通。
倒数第三行 for most of day中for后面要加个the will后面要加be
倒数第二行 if we staying中的staying要去掉ing

朋友,这篇文章应该超不过9分。理由:首先还是要恭喜你一下的,因为4、7、8、9这几句基本上没问题。不足之处:第一、二句都是缺乏谓语的;第三句应用连词and 串起,不然就成了中式英语了;第五句的转折词应该是however 表示转折,因为你前面说的是好的方面,接下来说的不好的方面;第六句不用are,否则call for 就不是谓语,又变成没谓语的了。
修改版:(1) In recent years, many talent-search shows are held on campus, which has been brought into focus. (2)Many students are eager to take part in the talent-seach shows on campus,such as "Happy boy"、“Beautiful girl” and so on.
( 3 ) As we all know,talent-search shows make our college life more colorful and bring great influence to us. ( 4 ) They can not only increase our confidence ,but also provide a chance for us to show ourselves completely. ( 5 ).However,they may bring some negative effects at the same time. ( 6 )these shows call for so much time that students have no time to concentrate on their studies.
( 7 ) From my opinion of view, every coin has two sides and so do talent-search shows. ( 8 )As college students. we should attend various activities positively when we have time, but we can't spend too much time to do that.( 9 )We should keep a balance between our our study and acitvities .

In recent years, the talent-search show on campus has cause a lot of attention. Many students eager to take part in the shows like "Happy boy",“Beautiful girl” and so on.
As we all can see, talent-search shows make our college life colorful. It brings great influence on us. These activities not only increase our confidence,but also provide opportunities for us to show ourselves in a different way. However, talent-seach shows have some negative effects at the same time. They demand so much time and energy from students who participate and direct the students' attention away from their studies.
Every coin has two sides., so have the talent-search shows. In my opinion, college students like us, should attend various activities actively only if we have the time to spare. We can't spend too much time to do other things beside study. We should study primarily and do other activities at a appropriate time。

1.the talent-search show on campus, which has been brought into focus.本句缺乏谓语部分,不是一个完整的句子。应该将去掉“,和which”. 从整个文章来看,应该用talent-search shows,所以has been应该改为have been.
3.as应该大写。并且应该改为“As everyone knows".
4.在it前面加上and,构成并列句,并将it brings改成they bring,因为主语是talent-search shows。
5.above应该大写。this 改成these,因为主语是activities。
6.将what is more改成However,因为这里是表示转折的意思,而what is more表示的是递进意思。
7.将call for 改成require或者need.
8.as college students中的as应该大写,且后面打逗号。
9.as we have time改成if we have time或者when we have time.
10.最后一句中we大写首字母,并将or改成as well as。

in recent years, the talent-search show (这里show是单数还是复数,后面全是复数形式) on campus, which has(上面如果是复数,这里变成HAVE) been brought into focus(bring into focus意思是调好焦距,把物体放在焦点上,如果你想要表达的意思是引起了人们的注意,那最好换个词). many students eager to take part in the talent-seach shows on campus(他这句话去掉后面的the talent-search shows,因为略显重复。),like(这里用such as更好) "Happy boy"、“Beautiful girl” and so on.
as everyone sees(这里我猜是大家都知道,用Everybody knows好点), talent-search shows make our college life colorful, it(单数?) brings great influence on us. above all ,this kind of activities not only can increase our confidence ,but also (这里加个can就能和前面排比起来了)provide a chance for us to show ourselves completely(完全地表达自己?用express是不是更好点). what is more(这里应该是个转折连词,最好用However), talent-seach shows bring some negetive effects on us at the same time. all talent-search shows are (这里不是被动语态,去掉are)call for(花时间不能用call for,用spend或者是cost,人花时间用spend,事情花时间用cost,所以这里最好用cost) so much time that students have no(这里用less会好点,不是完全没有时间,而是参加这些选秀的话,学习的时间就少了,不是没有了) time to concentrate on their studies.
from my opinion of view(on my point of view,固定短语,个人观点认为), every coin has two sides., so do talent-search shows. as college students. we should attend(take part in,和第一段一样) various activities positively(这里的positively是副词,应该用形容词,去掉ly) as(最好用if,如果我们有时间) we have time, but we can't spend too much time to do that(on doing sth.). we should take our time to study or to attend acitvities properly.

第二句,eager 前加 are 。
第三句,like 改为 such as 。
第二段 第一句 it 前加 and 。
第二句,not only 放在can 的后面。
第三句,what is more 换成 however 。
第四句,去掉 are
第三段 第二句 as we have time 改为 if we have time ,to do that 改为 on it 。
这文章应该能得个 9分吧

证明如下 ∵ ∠A = 2∠EAC = 180 - ∠B-∠C (AE平分∠BAC,即平分∠A)又∵∠EAC=∠EAD+∠CAD ∴2(∠EAD+∠CAD) = 180 - ∠B-∠C ① ∵∠CAD=90-∠C 所以 ①式可以演化为 2(∠EAD+90-∠C) = 180 - ∠B-∠C ② 化简②可得∠EAD=½(∠C-∠B)...

1这件体恤衫多少钱?七美元。2这些袜子多少钱?它们2美元。3我能帮助你吗?4是的,请。我想要一件毛衣 5给你 6我要买它 7来买你的衣服在华兴大甩卖吧。8我们有好包只卖12元 9对女孩,我们有红绿和白的体恤衫只卖18元 10任何人都能付起我们的价格 11到华兴服装店看一看吧 12黄短裤只卖30...

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请各位帮忙翻译几个句子, 好的话追加5分 多谢
10. 因为Steve生病没有来学校,他不知道她的老师已经把考试的日期推迟了一个周 Because Steve sick doesn't come to school, he didn't know her teacher has to the test date delayed for a week 11. jason过去经常偷盗一些很有名的油画 Jason used to steal some famous paintings 12....



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1.电脑拿去修了,并且加了内存条,速度变快了。The PC has been repaired with RAM added, and the speed is faster now.2.我在暑假期间,还看了好多动漫。帅气,可爱的人物,搞笑温馨的剧情能够让人愉悦。I read many comics during the summer holiday. Those cute and lovely characters, funny...

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