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新概念英语第一册测试题Lessons79-84的答案 新概念英语第一册同步测试卷Book1 Test1 lesso...

新概念英语第1册同步测试卷test 14 (lessons66~70)答案~

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Lesson 80
1 I haven't got much butter.
2 You haven't got many envelopes.
3 We haven't got much milk.
4 She hasn't got many biscuits.
5 They haven't got much stationery.
1 They need a lot of bread. They haven't got much.
They must go to the baker's to get some bread.
2 She needs a lot of eggs. She hasn't got many.
She must go to the grocer's to get some eggs.
3 They need a lot of magazines. They haven't got many.
They must go to the newsagent's to get some magazines.
4 I need a lot of beef. I haven't got much.
I must go to the butcher's to get some beef.
5 She needs a lot of butter. She hasn't got much.
She must go to the grocer's to get some butter.
6 They need a lot of bananas. They haven't got many.
They must go to the greengrocer's to get some bananas.
7 He needs a lot of medicine. He hasn't got much.
He must go to the chemist's to get some medicine.

Lesson 82
1 They ate a meal at a restaurant.
2 We went for a holiday last month.
3 Eat a biscuit.
4 You enjoyed yourself.
5 They are eating their lunch.
6 I drank a glass of milk.
1 They are going to have breakfast.
2 They are having lunch.
3 He must have tea.
4 They had dinner.
5 They just have a meal.
6 He is going to have a swim.
7 He is having a bath.
8 He had a haircut.
9 They are having a lesson.
10 They had a party.
11 They must have a holiday.
12 They are going to have a good time.
Lesson 84
1 I've already had some.
2 I've already had one.
3 I've already had one.
4 I've already had some.
5 I've already had one.
6 I've already had one.
7 I've already had some.
1 He hasn't had any beans.
He's just had some peas.
2 They haven't had any tea.
They've just had some coffee.
3 I haven't had any apples.
I've just had some peaches.
4 I haven't had any cabbage.
I've just had some lettuce.
5 She hasn't had any beer.
She's just had some wine.
6 He hasn't had any lamb.
He's just had some beef.
7 They haven't had any tea.
They've just had some milk.
8 She hasn't had any meat.
She's just had some vegetables.
9 I haven't had any chicken.
I've just had some steak.
10 They haven't had any bananas.
They've just had some oranges.


1.realized我在等校车,但是它还没来,后来我才意识到今天是星期六。因为前面的句子用的是过去时态,所以前后一致,realize要变成过去时。2.rush我今天早上起来晚了,我不得不冲到学校,以免迟到。时态前后保持一致。3.stay up今晚有个好看的电视节目要上演,不过是凌晨一点钟。我不想倒也熬夜到那么晚...

uncle, table, apple, le的发音一样。The farmer has a car. His farm is far from here. 农夫有辆车, 他的农场离 这儿很远。farmer, farm, far, ar部分发音一样。The girl is the first. She gets a shirt and a skirt. 这个女孩是第一名, 她得到一件衬衫和一条短裙。first, ...

C'est un livre. 泛指,这是一本书,用不定冠词 C'est le livre de Patrick. 特指,这是帕特里克的书,,书是阳性名词,用定冠词le C'est la femme de Ludovic.特指,这是卢多维克的妻子,妻子是阴性名词,用定冠词la

初二上英语题 ---The dish is delicious ---Well,at leas
注意 as well as以下的用法:She called on you as well as I.不但我来看你,她也拜访了你。She called on you as well as me.她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。在下列句中,as well as表示“像…一样”的涵义:She as well as you is an English teacher.她像你一样也是英文教师。这里的...


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1、 Li Ming is _interested___ (interest)in history.be interested in ,对...有兴趣 2.Let's go for a walk,shall we?3.what's the meaning of the word?4.What a good news!

He put his(hand)on the cheese and pulled it hard.它把它的手放在奶酪上并且用力的推它 But he couldn't move it at all.但奶酪就是纹丝不动。It was cold and hard.这很让它心寒。when he wangted to get out of the window,he(saw) many peo[le standing in front of the window...

一、写出英语.1.本年度的优秀学生:(The excellent student of the year)2.本年度的三好学生:(The best student of the year)3.下课之后:(after class)4.违规:(against the rules)二、用括号里所给的词的适当形式填空.1.Sam (sets) the table twice a week 2.Bob and Ann (watch)...

的话,前面要有一个范围的,这个句子中木有,所以只有another 最合适6B 因为后面这个谓语是第三人称单数所以选 B7B 你可以试着放进去念念 只有这个是语义是通顺的8A根据语义首先排除C,D。best 放进去意思是不通的 朋友偶像你是初中的,这些都要考平时多读读课文的 有些东西是木有那么多原因的 ...

选A 如果自行车成为一种流行的交通工具,大城市的空气污染将减轻 The bike 特指 a means 一种手段,一种工具 means (单复数同形)可以指人或物,其含义为“手段”或“工具”;这个词不仅用于具体的东西,也可以用于抽象的意念。如:means of production 生产资料,means of living 生活资料 1. ...

