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一个会计账务或者是数学类的问题,很简单,却困扰了我很久,请大家帮忙分析下! 求婚庆公司商业计划书中的财务分析。急急急!请发送到64432...

请高手帮找一篇财务报表分析(financial statement analysis)的外文论文,并帮忙翻译一下,谢谢~

Fundamental analysis of a business involves analyzing its financial statements and health, its management and competitive advantages, and its competitors and markets. The term is used to distinguish such analysis from other types of investment analysis, such as quantitative analysis and technical analysis.

Fundamental analysis is performed on historical and present data, but with the goal of making financial forecasts. There are several possible objectives:

* to conduct a company stock valuation and predict its probable price evolution,
* to make projection on its business performance,
* to evaluate its management and make internal business decisions,
* to calculate its credit risk.

Two analytical models

When the objective of the analysis is to determine what stock to buy and at what price, there are two basic methodologies.

1. Fundamental analysis maintains that markets may misprice a security in the short run but that the "correct" price will eventually be reached. Profits can be made by trading the mispriced security and then waiting for the market to recognize its "mistake" and reprice the security.

1. Technical analysis maintains that all information is reflected already in the stock price, so fundamental analysis is a waste of time. Trends 'are your friend' and sentiment changes predate and predict trend changes. Investors' emotional responses to price movements lead to recognizable price chart patterns. Technical analysis does not care what the 'value' of a stock is. Their price predictions are only extrapolations from historical price patterns.

Investors can use both these different but somewhat complementary methods for stock picking. Many fundamental investors use technicals for deciding entry and exit points. Many technical investors use fundamentals to limit their universe of possible stock to 'good' companies.

The choice of stock analysis is determined by the investor's belief in the different paradigms for "how the stock market works". See the discussions at efficient market hypothesis, random walk hypothesis, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Fed model Theory of Equity Valuation, Market-based valuation, and Behavioral finance.

Use by different portfolio styles

Investors may use fundamental analysis within different portfolio management styles.

* Buy and hold investors believe that latching onto good businesses allows the investor's asset to grow with the business. Fundamental analysis lets them find 'good' companies, so they lower their risk and probability of wipe-out.
* Managers may use fundamental analysis to correctly value 'good' and 'bad' companies. Even 'bad' companies' stock goes up and down, creating opportunities for profits.
* Contrarian investors distinguish "in the short run, the market is a voting machine, not a weighing machine"[1]. Fundamental analysis allows you to make your own decision on value, and ignore the market.
* Value investors restrict their attention to under-valued companies, believing that 'it's hard to fall out of a ditch'. The value comes from fundamental analysis.
* Managers may use fundamental analysis to determine future growth rates for buying high priced growth stocks.
* Managers may also include fundamental factors along with technical factors into computer models (quantitative analysis).

Top-down and Bottom-up

Investors can use either a top-down or bottom-up approach.

* The top-down investor starts his analysis with global economics, including both international and national economic indicators, such as GDP growth rates, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, productivity, and energy prices. He narrows his search down to regional/industry analysis of total sales, price levels, the effects of competing products, foreign competition, and entry or exit from the industry. Only then does he narrow his search to the best business in that area.
* The bottom-up investor starts with specific businesses, regardless of their industry/region.


The analysis of a business' health starts with financial statement analysis that includes ratios. It looks at dividends paid, operating cash flow, new equity issues and capital financing. The earnings estimates and growth rate projections published widely by Thomson Financial and others can be considered either 'fundamental' (they are facts) or 'technical' (they are investor sentiment) based on your perception of their validity.

The determined growth rates (of income and cash) and risk levels (to determine the discount rate) are used in various valuation models. The foremost is the discounted cash flow model, which calculates the present value of the future

* dividends received by the investor, along with the eventual sale price. (Gordon model)
* earnings of the company, or
* cash flows of the company.

The simple model commonly used is the Price/Earnings ratio. Implicit in this model of a perpetual annuity (Time value of money) is that the 'flip' of the P/E is the discount rate appropriate to the risk of the business. The multiple accepted is adjusted for expected growth (that is not built into the model).

Growth estimates are incorporated into the PEG ratio but the math does not hold up to analysis.[neutrality disputed] Its validity depends on the length of time you think the growth will continue.

Computer modelling of stock prices has now replaced much of the subjective interpretation of fundamental data (along with technical data) in the industry. Since about year 2000, with the power of computers to crunch vast quantities of data, a new career has been invented. At some funds (called Quant Funds) the manager's decisions have been replaced by proprietary mathematical models.[2]


* Some economists such as Burton Malkiel suggest that neither fundamental analysis nor technical analysis is useful in outperforming the markets[3]


  1、货的期末结余按照逻辑应该=期初余额+本期采购-本期销售=1500+10400-12000= -100









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可以在能够毕业的前提下学习其他课程,比如经济类、管理类。或者参加各种活动,锻炼能力。大学不一定就是要死读书,人尽其才即可。文科生学会计困难吗?我是2011年的文科考生,数学基础一般 不难,只是不知道你学不学的进去。 我以前就学会计,听说会计简单,听说不需要什么数学基础,听说学会计蛮好玩...

我想请教一下中级会计考试中财务管理所涉汲的数学知识点有哪些?_百 ...



会计学的什么?是数学吗 ?
其中,资产、负债和所有者权益三项会计要素主要反映企业的财务状况;收入、费用和利润三项会计要素主要反映企业的经营成果。 事业单位会计要素分为五大类,即资产、负债、净资产、收入和支出。 (二)反映企业财务状况的会计要素 1.资产 资产是指企业过去的交易或者事项形成的、由企业拥有或者控制的、预期会给企业带来经济...



