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迪斯尼乐园建成多年之后, Walt迪士尼世界完成之后, 有人走到Walt 迪斯尼工作室的总管Mike Vance面前 说"Walt Disney 未能活着看到这些, 这难道不是太糟糕了吗?"没有停顿, 他回答道"但确实他曾今看见过它, 那就是为什么它在这儿"
如果说有任何外人早早地影响了我的人生的话, 那么这个人是 Walt Disney.可能因为当我五岁时, 我最喜欢的叔叔带我到了一个奇迹般的新地方叫做Disney乐园. 可能因为我成长在南加州, 每年都会参观一到两次,见证一个人的想象变成现实并成长.又或者因为我得知"当你对着一位明星许愿, 你是什么人,这并没有区别". 成长在迪斯尼美好的世界里, 我学会了如何去梦想.
但是当我长大, 我意识到不仅仅只有梦想和许愿使梦想成为现实. 还有践行.像一首Dusty Sprinfield的歌所唱的那样"许愿并憧憬, 思考并祈祷, 筹划并梦想, 他的魅力闪耀在每个夜晚, 却并不能把你送到他的怀抱里"
在我的经历中, 许愿和憧憬是实现梦想的糟糕方法, 但这却是许多人的工作方式, 并常常惊诧于最后的收获. 他们愿望能够挣更多的钱. 他们憧憬能够晋升或者得到更有趣的工作. 他们愿望有人能够注意到他们如此努力地工作.他们希望工作环境优势改善, 上司能够有所觉悟,问题会自动消失或者有别的人解决它.
他们在工作中成功的机会. 就如同凭借拉斯维加斯的投币口或者得到一张中奖彩票而成为百万富翁一样. 当这无法实现时我们中的许多人确实就像鸵鸟一样把头埋在沙子里视而不见, 却想知道为什么我们永远无法落实我们的梦想. 奥林匹克运动从来不是靠许愿和憧憬.伟大的音乐家,演员,厨师,建筑师,教师,律师,家政或者商业人士也从来不是.我也知道我永远无法仅仅靠愿望就能出版我的第一本书.
梦想能够实现, 但这里有个秘密.它们是通过执着,决心,承诺,激情,实践,专注以及辛勤工作所组成的魔法实现的. 它们从某一时刻踏出第一步, 再经历数年得到完全的体现, 而不是数个星期. 当许愿和憧憬把你变成一个幻想者的时候, 行动才能把你的梦想实现. 去实现他们吧.


To : All students
From: Students' Union

It's English Day today. Some activities have been arranged, as follows:

Time : After lunch
Place: School Playground
Topic: English Learning Methods

Time : 4p.m.-5p.m.
Place: School Meeting Hall
Speaker:Professor Yue from Peking University
Topic: The differences between British English and American English

Please arrive on time and try to speak in English in our English Day.
Best Regards!

Dear Sir/Madam,
周宏(我相信你比我更清楚你的英文名字)is our only son. We has started our business 20 years ago. Now we are more successful, and possess economic potentiality. We love and concern very much to 周宏, and the family is harmonious too. Such environment has brought up 周宏 with good qualities, such as civilized, manners and kindness. He is full of enthusiasm for life, thirst for gaining knowledge unceasingly, love human and nature so much.
We have the objective understanding about China and Western countries, we know there are big difference in scientific development between the East and the West. Therefore, we emphasize 周宏's English learning since his early year, so that he could learn the most advance scientific knowledge and ideas in devoloped country when he is grown. In these years, with all kinds of media, such as magazines, broadcasting, television, foreign friends' narration, and inspected personally in Australia, 周宏 fully understood that to survive in China today, study abroad and communicate with the world is a must, which is also the solidest foundation for his entire life. English learning is a tough learning, but language is a communicating basis, and an essential specification for studying in internationally famous university. Hence, 周宏 and us longing to study in oversea high school, and then get into oversea university. In China, 周宏 took supplementary lessons in English which is according to Australia syllabus for a year, and possesses a certain degree of English speaking proficiency. Through 周宏's experience in Australia, he and us strongly believe that he can adapt to the life and study in Australia. In the economy, the expenses for study abroad occupy only a small part of our home economics accumulates, and will not affect our life and work. We are willing to send 周宏 to study in Australia, and hoping he will become a outstanding talent in the new generation, and have great contribution to China with the advance scientific knowledge, to suit the economic development's demand in China.

Dear Sir/Madam,
周宏is our only son. We has started our business 20 years ago. Now we are more successful, and possess economic potentiality. We love and concern very much to 周宏, and the family is harmonious too. Such environment has brought up 周宏 with good qualities, such as civilized, manners and kindness. He is full of enthusiasm for life, thirst for gaining knowledge unceasingly, love human and nature so much.
We have the objective understanding about China and Western countries, we know there are big difference in scientific development between the East and the West. Therefore, we emphasize 周宏's English learning since his early year, so that he could learn the most advance scientific knowledge and ideas in devoloped country when he is grown. In these years, with all kinds of media, such as magazines, broadcasting, television, foreign friends' narration, and inspected personally in Australia, 周宏 fully understood that to survive in China today, study abroad and communicate with the world is a must, which is also the solidest foundation for his entire life. English learning is a tough learning, but language is a communicating basis, and an essential specification for studying in internationally famous university. Hence, 周宏 and us longing to study in oversea high school, and then get into oversea university. In China, 周宏 took supplementary lessons in English which is according to Australia syllabus for a year, and possesses a certain degree of English speaking proficiency. Through 周宏's experience in Australia, he and us strongly believe that he can adapt to the life and study in Australia. In the economy, the expenses for study abroad occupy only a small part of our home economics accumulates, and will not affect our life and work. We are willing to send 周宏 to study in Australia, and hoping he will become a outstanding talent in the new generation, and have great contribution to China with the advance scientific knowledge, to suit the economic development's demand in China.


楼上的两位,语法漏洞层出不穷,还说什么打得很累,我看那些译文很有可能是在google translate 或者 在word里用翻译功能翻出来的,太机械化了.

我比较同意楼上的观点。因为我认为像最后那个“以适用……”就那个“以”字来说,我认为用个SO THAT词组不错。SUIT太呆板了啊。(这只是我个人的观点。呵呵)

我觉得suit 比较好

Respect woman/gentleman: Zhou Hong is our one's own only son. 20 years ago we come out dobusiness. Now already compared successfully, has the suitable economicpotentiality. We extremely show loving concern to Zhou Hong, the family extremely isalso harmonious, in such home environment, caused the week greatly toraise had the civilized, politeness, the compassion good quality. Hehas filled the enthusiasm to the life, has the unceasing gain to theknowledge the hope, with has naturally filled the love to the person. Because we all have the quite objective understanding since long agoto Chinese and the western nation, knew the west is scientific and thedeveloped degree all has a bigger difference, therefore, pays greatattention to Zhou Hong since childhood English study, after hoped hegrows up can study in the world the most advanced scientificknowledge, the absorption developed country advanced idea. The weekgreat these years also through each kind of media like books andperiodicals, the magazine, the broadcast television, as well as theforeign friend's by oneself narration and personally go to Australiato inspect, fully realized to must develop the survival in Chinesesociety rapid development today to get down well, to go abroad tostudy with the world communication are necessary, also are the mostsolid foundations which his next life development will overcome.English study is a difficult study, but the language is the exchangefoundation, is enters the international famous university the mostimportant condition. Therefore, we and Zhou Hong all hoped in overseasreads the high school, then rises into the foreign university. ZhouHong has already enrolled in supplementary lessons a year English inChina according to the Australian teaching course, now already has hadthe suitable English spoken language proficiency. The week greatthrough gave sympathy to by oneself in Australia that, we and he allbelieved, he certainly can adapt Australia's life and the study. Inthe economy, studies abroad needs the expense only to occupy a smallpart which our home economics accumulates, cannot has any influence toour life and the work. We are willing great to deliver the weekAustralia to study, hoped he becomes the new generation of outstandingtalented person, after studies becomes repatriates can greatly unfoldthe grand plan by the advanced scientific knowledge in China, issuitable Chinese economy the need to develop.

...要交了 不要语法错误哦~哥哥姐姐们帮帮我吧
Today,i have a cold Today i not feel well,so【原来】i have a cold.so i see a dentist .D entist speak:you should lie down and rest.you should not go to shool.Oh no.I dislike have a cold.I hope me better well soon.我可是尽力了,可别忘了给我加分啊 ...

昨天我们玩得很开心。(We had a good time yesterday.)喝茶(have tea) 吃顿饭(have a meal) 理发(have a haircut) 上课(have a class) 举行聚会(have a party)度假(take vacation) 玩的开心(have a good time\/enjoy oneself)三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1、He began...

Except for texts, I consider it necessary to read some other articles and pieces.7.相信不久我的英语将会突飞猛进~I believe that my English will have a great improvement in no time.另外看来要对口了,你是想翻出什么水平的句子,初中水平or higher, or much higher?有不同的 ...

英语单词拼写 都是一些我没学过的单词 各位哥哥姐姐们帮忙一下 谢谢
1:store (store food储存食物)2: light (a light description简单的描述)3: among 翻译:就我看来,这本书是现代小说里面最好的一本。4: diet (go on a diet节食)5: relate (relate to 和某某相关)6: enable (enable sb. to do 使某人能做某事)7: radically (improve it ...

你来这儿之前学过英语吗? d. 与否定副词not合用,构成否定句,例如: I don't like him. 我不喜欢他。 e. 加强语气,例如: Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定来参加晚会。 He did know that. 他的确知道那件事。 3) 最常用的助动词有:be, have,...

翻译成英语 跪求刚才那个哥哥帮我翻译!!!
childhood playmates, because "I" can bring happy memories of his childhood, so he felt an early age when his family concern and care, have a friend who keep company to play this kinds provided by the familiar sense of security.那时的他还没有这样的焦虑, 因而当“ 我”多年之后...

帮助的人:1180万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 先从我自己说起,我没来到网络学英语前也是个英语学习的积极梦想者,因为我知道说一口流利的英语会带给自己多少好处,就这样一头扎进了网络。刚来到英语类网站时,简直是进入了天堂,看到很多人都可以用英文发帖子,帖子里很多精品资料,于是乎开始疯狂下载收...

1、While he was in the office he preferred_doing__(do) something to _doing__(do) nothing.备注: prefer doingA to doing B 相对于做B,更喜欢做A 这里的 doing 是动名词。(在办公期间,与其无所事事,他更喜欢做些事情。)2、He objected to_going__to school and _went...

澳大利亚被认为是一种放松,非正式的社会。问候别人时,学生,年轻人说“你好”或“嗨”。有时他们会说“怎么样了?"或" G日”。(我也不太清楚“G day”是什么意思,就照直翻译了。)在较正式的情况下,他们第一次见面通常握手。“早上好”、“下午好”或“很高兴见到你”是正式的问候。英语是...

Xian, northwest shaanxi provincial capital for the east gate, the traffic status is important. Xi 'an railway station is the biggest passenger northwest area, the new station building 1.6 million square metre, can accommodate more than 7,000 passengers waiting. Xian west station is ...

