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Many would agree that when we think of Chr ist mas,we probably think of gifts,Chr ist mas trees and Santa Claus.

很多人同意这一点:当我们想到sheng dan jie时,我们或许会想到礼物,sheng dan树和sheng dan老人。

But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Chr ist mas:the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.

但是在这背后存在着sheng dan jie的真谛:与身边的人共享并给予关爱与欢乐的重要性。

The story in A Chr ist mas Carol is perhaps the best example of this.

《sheng dan颂歌》的故事或许是这一点最好的例子。

A Chr ist mas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens.

《sheng dan颂歌》是查尔斯·狄更斯写的著名短篇小说。

It is about an old man named Scrooge who never laughs or smiles.


He is mean and only thinks about himself.He doesn't treat others nicely.


He just cares about whether he can make more money and he hates Chr ist mas.

他只关心他是否能够挣到更多的钱,他讨厌sheng dan jie。

One Chr ist mas Eve,Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley,his dead business partner.

一个sheng dan jie的前夜,斯克鲁奇看到了他死去的合伙人雅各布·马力的灵魂。

Marley used to be just like Scrooge,so he was punished after he died.


He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn't want to end up like him.


He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him.


That night,three ghosts visit Scrooge.


First,the Ghost of Chr ist mas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child.

首先,sheng dan jie“过去之灵“带他回到了他的童年,使他回想起他的童年欢乐时光。

Then the second spirit,the Ghost of Chr ist mas Present,takes him to see how others are spending Chr ist mas this year.

然后,第二个的幽灵sheng dan jie“现在之灵”带他去看其他人如何过今年的sheng dan jie。

Everyone is happy,even poor people.


The last one,the Ghost of Chr ist mas Yet to Come,takes him to the future.

最后sheng dan jie“未来之灵”带他去了未来。

He sees that he is dead,but nobody cares.


He is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is only the next morning-Chr ist mas Day!

他惊恐万分地从自己的床上醒来,发现已经是第二天早上sheng dan jie了!

He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person.


He happily celebrates Chr ist mas with his relatives.

他开心地同亲戚们一起庆祝sheng dan jie。

He also gives gifts to people in need.


He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.


And that is the true spirit of Chr ist mas!

那就是真正的sheng dan jie的精神!

The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.圣诞节这个词来自克里斯蒂斯·梅斯,一个早期的英语短语,意思是基督弥撒。圣诞节的...

christmas day is important in western countries.it comes on december 25.people have several days off from their work.they go back home to get together for a big dinner.there is a christmas tree in eac.圣诞节在西方国家是很重要的。它是在12月25日。人们有几天休息,他们回家一起吃...

an abbreviation for Christ.圣诞节是庆祝天主教中心人物耶稣诞生的节日,通常西方天主教堂在12月25日庆祝。圣诞节最早可追溯到公元200年,但直到中世纪才开始广泛流传。圣诞节庆祝活动包括赠送礼物、圣诞树、摆耶稣系列雕像、参加教堂活动、圣诞老人传说、家庭聚会等。Christmas一词来源于中世纪英语Christemas...

圣诞节英文介绍:Christmas, also known as Christmas, is translated as "Christ Mass", which originated from the Lunar New Year celebration in ancient Rome and has nothing to do with Christianity. After the popularity of Christianity in the Roman Empire, the Holy See drifted this folk...

关于圣诞节的英语手抄报资料及其中英文对照如下:Origin of Santa Claus 诞老人的起源的圣诞老人 Santa Claus,the original name is Nicholas, in the fourth century, was born in Asia Minor city of Pakistan big pull, the family wealth, parents are enthusiastic Catholics, unfortunately, his ...

Christmas is also known as Christmas, translated as "Christ mass", western traditional festival, every year in December 25th. Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to celebrate the birth of Jesus, named "christmas".圣诞节又称耶...

圣诞节英文介绍:Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to celebrate the birth of Jesus, named Christmas.基督教纪念耶稣诞生的重要节日。亦称耶稣圣诞节、主降生节,天主教亦称耶稣圣诞瞻礼。耶稣诞生的日期,《圣经》并无记载。公元336年罗马教会开始在12月25日过此节。12月25...


In Christianity, Christmas is the festival celebrating the Nativity of Jesus, the Christian belief that the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament’s Messianic prophecies was born to the Virgin Mary.在基督教的传统中,圣诞节是为庆祝基督耶稣降生的节日。基督教徒相信,弥赛亚告知圣母玛利亚孕育...

Christmas Day Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual Christian and secular[1] holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus, along with themes such as family, goodwill, giving and compassion. It incorporates Christian religious ceremonies with the traditions of ancient winter festivals such...

