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英语语法的几个问题 请求大师帮忙看下 关于倒装 单复数 动词等 我英语很差,我知道学英语的基础除了记熟单词之外还要知道句型的...


Little does he know that..
这个时候就需要用助动词,因为主语是he 所以要用单三,does。
Little do we know that..


The number of students in ourschool is 1,700.
Mary and Kelly look alike.
The crowd were runing for theirlives.
(2)主语形式复数而意义上却单数谓语动词用单数The news is very exciting.
3、近原则即谓语动词单复数形式取决于靠近词语连词or、either … or、neither … nor、not only … but also等连接并列主语单数复数谓语动词与靠近主语致
Either you or I am mad.
My family is going out for a trip.
The whole family are watching TV.
类词常有audience、class club、committee、company、crew、crowd、enemy、government、group、party、public、team等
Population和a group(crowd)of + 复数名词也适用于种情况强调整体用单数强调各部分用复数
A sheep is over there. Some sheepare over there.
④名词所有格之名词被省略种情况般只指商店、工场、住宅等;作主语时动词般用单数My uncle’s is not for from here.
常见省略名词有the baker’s 、the barbar’s、the Zhang’s等
Richardson’s have a lot of old goods tosell.
Thirty years has passed.
Five minutes is enough to finishthe task.
Each boy and each girlin my class has a dictionary.
⑦主语有more than one … 或many a … 构成尽管从意义上
More than one student has seen theplay.
Many a boy has bought that kind oftoy.
more + 复数名词+ than one结构之谓语用复数
主语用a kind of、apair of、a series of等加名词构成时谓语动词般用单数形式
A pair of shoes was on the desk.
⑨this kind of book = abook of this kind(种书)其谓语动词;短语this kind of men = men of this kind = these kind of
men(口语)(类人)this kind of men谓语用单数men of this kind和these kind of men谓语用复数all kinds of跟复数名词谓语用复数形式:
This kind of men is dangerous.
Men of theis kind/sort aredangerous.
⑩复数形式单、复数同形名词作主语时按意义致原则用作单数意义时谓语用单数反之谓语用复数类名词有means、works、species(种类)、Chinese、Japanese等当们前面有 a、such a、this、that修饰时谓语用单数;有all、such、these、those修饰时谓语用复数
All of my students work hard.
All of the oil is gone.
Between the two windows hangs anoil painting.
①用and或both … and 连接并列主语谓语动词通常用复数形式并列主语指同人同事物或同概念时谓语动词用单数形式时and面名词没有冠词
Truth and honesty is the bestpolicy.
To love and to be loved is thegreat happiness.
Going to bed early and getting upearly is a good habit.
A knife and fork is on the table.
②当主语面跟有as well as、as much as、no less than、alongwith、with、like、rather than、togetherwith、but、except、besides、including、in addition to等引导词组时采取远原则
③or、either … or、neigher… nor、not only … but also等连接词作主语时采取近原则
Ours (Our Party) is a great Party.
Your shoes are white, mine (= myshoes) are black.
②such、the same起指示代词作用时应根据其所指内容来决定单、复数
Such is our plan. Such are hislast words.
Who lives next door? It is XiaoLiu.
Who lives next door? It is Wangand Li.
(A)单独作主语时视其文意义动词用单数或复数形式Now all has been changed. All are present.(B)其接of时若of宾语数名词动词用单数形式;若of宾语复数名词或代词时动词单数也复数;正式文体单数形式动词更常用Do (es) any of you know about theaccident? None of us has
(have) seen the film.
①分数或百分数 + 名词构成短语及由a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, a heap of, heapsof, half of + 名词构成短语作主语时其谓语动词要与短语of面名词数保持致因短语面名词心词而短语前面量词修饰语:
Lots of damage was caused byflood.
A number of students have gone tothe countryside.
A large quantity of people isneeded here.
Quantities of food (nuts) werestill on the table.
②a great deal of、a large amount of修饰数名词其短语作主语时谓语动词通常用单数;large amounts of修饰数名词其短语作主语时谓语动词通常用复数
③表示数量oneand a half名词要用复数形式其短语作主语时谓语动词用单数形式
One and a half apples is left onthe table.
④half of、(a)part of修饰数名词单数及数名词时谓语动词用单数修饰数名词复数时谓语动词用复数
主语由the + 形容词(或分词)结构担任时谓语通常用复数类词有the rich、the poor、thebrave、the injured、the living、thewounded等表抽象也用单数the unknown、the beautiful等
What we need is more money.
What we need are morepeople/teachers.
②oneof + 复数名词 + who/that/which引导从句结构关系代词who/that/which先行词靠近复数名词而one因此从句谓语动词也应该复数形式one前有theonly则用单数形式
This is one of the mostinteresting stories that have been told by my father.
She was the only one of the girlswho was late for class today.
(7)定式、名动词(短语)作主语用单数形式;There be句型be单复数取决于be第词数
There is a book, two pens on thedesk.
There are two pens, a book on thedesk.
There goes the bell. Here comesthe bus.
Off went the horse. In came theboss.
From the speaker comes thedoctor’s voice.
South of the town lie two steelfactories.
Between the two buildings stands atall tree.
Here it is. Away they went.
(4)否定词never、seldom、hardly、scarcely、barely、rarely、little、not、nowhere、by no means、atno time、neither、nor等放句首时句子常倒装:
By no means shall we give up.
Never have I been to the USA.
Seldom does she get up late in themorning.
(5)notonly … but also … no sooner … than …、hardly… when …、scarcely … when …、not until …、so… that …、such … that …句型主句倒装从句倒装要注意:neither … nor … 连接句子前两分句都要倒装
Not only is she smart but also sheis beautiful.
Such great progress did he makethat he was praised.
So heavy is the box that I can’tcarry it.
Neither has he a pencil, nor hashe a pen.
(6)Only+ 状语或状语从句 +其(only句首时要倒装)
Only then did I realize theimportance of learning English.
(8)表语或状语或动词原形 + as/though + 主语+ 其时句子要倒装(让步状语从句)
Proud as they are, theyare afraid to see me.
Child as he is, he seemsto know everything.(child前加冠词)
Hard ashe worded, he made little progress.
Were I you, I would go there atonce.
Had you come yesterday, you couldhave helped us.
May you succeed!
Long livethe People’s Republic of China!

1,具有否定意义的副词never,seldom,no sooner等置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。所谓的部分倒装就是将句子中的助动词提到句首。看Never have I been to the US.这句话中本身包含助动词have,所以直接把他提前就行,但是在句子So fast does light travel(正常语序为:light travels so fast.)中,本身不包含助动词,就像一般现在时的肯定句要变为否定句时,我们必须根据主语人称的数来选择一个助动词do或者does,然后在变成否定或者疑问句,在这也一样,does是加进去的。那么句子Such fine weather is it that we go for a picnic是主系表结构,它的倒装就是这样的结构:such+形+名+谓+主+that+句子。记住即可。
2,the news是不可数名词,不可数名词当然要用单数代词,单数谓语动词,所以不是你想的none of them,而是none of it,it在这指代the news;另外,none ot that matters中,之所以谓语动词用matters(注意这是第三人称单数,不是复数),是因为当none of 做主语时,不管none of后面的名词是单数还是复数,其谓语动词都要用第三人称单数形式,当然这指的是在一般现在时态中,类似的还有every one of和 each of,他们后面的谓语动词都要用单三人称。
3,这句话后面不可以加it,没有为什么。这句话的完整版为:I really can't work out waht I should do and how I should do.你仔细品味一下,这后面可以加it么?
4,你的问题太模糊,说明你的知识结构很模糊。不及物动词是一定要跟一个介词,然后在跟宾语的。如:come,stay, stand等。你不可以说:he comes the room,你必须说he comes in the room;同样,he stands on the desk,不是he stands the desk; I stay at the home, 不是 I stay the home。而你所说的“一个动词后如果紧跟着介词短语”,这种情况太多了,比如:I eat in the kitchen. I drink in the bedroom.很明显能判断,eat和drink分明为及物动词,他们后面可以直接跟宾语的。


1. So fast does light travel . 与“have/has"不一样, 通常表达“动作”的动词,可用do/does 来表达倒装。原句 Light travels so fast,可倒装为: So fast light travels = So fast does light travel.
Such fine weather it is that we go for a picnic. 你的理解是对的。

2。 all the news= 所有的新闻/消息,系复数, 所以none of 后面应该加them, 即,but none of them were very exciting. none of that (that 系单数), 所以不用复数是对的。

3。 这句话的最后无需加it. 属于习惯用法吧。

4。 一个动词后如果紧跟着介词短语,通常这个动词是不及物动词。 比如: What can I finish in one hour?

  1. So+adj/adv位于句首,句子也半倒装,这里的does是个助动词。后面一般都有一个结果状语从句;such+adj+名词也属于此类结构。So fast does he run that no one in our class can catch up with him.

  2. it指消息,当然不可数,也就不会用them了。 None of that matters中的matter是谓语,不是复数。None of that matters.都没关系。

  3. 要加it,因为it是do的宾语。

  4. 一般都是这样的。但没有什么“一定”的语言现象。

  1. 句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添助动词do, does或did其置于主语之前。倒装句的顺序是宾语/表语+谓语+主语 .其次这又是个强调,强调光速实在是太快了 .光是第三人称单数,所以用Does  .下一句是因为没有助动词,就把be动词调到前面。

  2. 因为新闻不可数,所以用it。 None of that matters中的matter是谓语,不是复数。

  3. 要,是what to do,how to do it,这是个短语,要记住

  4. 不一定。看情况,一般因后面的动作或事物,人而不同。


1、Never have I been to the US 半倒装 have 助动词
So fast does light travel 半倒装 does 助动词
Such fine weather is it that we go for a picnic 半倒装 没有发现有助动词 直接把be放前面

可能你不太理解 但这就是这类的语法规定 至于你说全倒装的问题根本没有
亲爱的,我教你一个方法去判断 如果是Such fine weather it is that we go for a picnic把such fine weather移到后面,这句话就没有倒装了 所以是不对的 做题的时候可以这样检查

2、news 是不可数 用it None of that matters中的matter是none的谓语 要加S
这跟one of our teachers is tall是一样的

3、what to do how to do it 记住 how to do it = how to deal it with

4、不一定的 因为这个动词的有些意思是可数的 有些是不可数的
最直接的continue 你见过continue to do 吧但是它是可以continue doing只是意思略微不同


第三题,不应该加it,work out后用不加宾语

英语语法 非谓语动词,形容词,副词,状语的几个问题,麻烦看一下 THanks...
Helpless,we watched our home destroyed。和Hopefully,we can get this done before dark。第一句是形容词做状语,与we构成逻辑上的主表关系 是伴随状语,第二句是副词作状语,与we没有关系 它修饰的 是 can get this done。He stared at the footprint, full of fear。和He sat down beside...

很难!时态和虚拟的几个语法问题 大师专家来帮忙看下 非常感谢!!_百度知...
1,前者意思为当我到那时他离开了,我到那和他离开两个动作几乎同时发生;后者可能有误,如果是He had left when I got there就对了,意思为当我到那时他已经离开了,他离开的动作发生在我到那之前,这种句型就是主句用一般过去式,时间状语从句中谓语动词用过去完成时,意为发生在过去的过去所以用...

头一次遇上纯日文的呵呵~哪里是初学者了。。。这里に是副词化的标志,一般名词副词化都用它的,说白了就是名词变副词,加上に以后接续就全按副词的接续走了,很好记:-D。都是学日语的呵呵多交流,有兴趣的话去我空间做客,热烈欢迎 月月的日语课堂~>_< http:\/\/hi.baidu.com\/%D0%A1%D1%F2%...

另外,英、汉两种语言的语序也有一些差异,如疑问句的语序、有些定语和状语的位置与汉语不同。那么,在语法教学中我们应该注意哪些问题呢? 首先,要抓住语法教学中的重点和难点。 在英语教学中,教师应该根据英汉两种语言的差异和学生的实际情况确定好语法教学的重点和难点,选择相应的教学方法。在初中阶段...

1, 让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句。一般翻译为“尽管……即使……”就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说……”的感觉,如Alhough\/Though he was worn out, he kept on working。让步状语从句一般都带有,这么几个词,他们是:though, although表示“虽然,纵然”之意;as, ...

1.这个句子你写错了。即便如2楼的朋友那么回答,也是错误的。what为疑问代词,在句中充当主语或宾语,而你这个句子没有行为动词,只有一个助动词do,所以,可以说,这个it是多余的。加上一个it 后,就必须加一个行为动词,让it 作动词的宾语。如果要改的话,可改为: What do you do it for?2....

语法的几个问题 帮看下 thank!!very
前者 是 the offering后 的两个月 后者是 the offering的两个月 5.to act depending on the situations 。depending on可以看做是介词 整个介词短语修饰acthe either resigned or was sacked,depending on who you talk to。中depending on who you talk to作状语 修饰前面的句子 6.we ...


(4)、补充短语:包括动补短语和形补短语两大类。语法特点:①在动词、形容词后面起补充、说明作用的成分是补语,用<>表示。②这类短语的中心语在前,前后两部分是被补充和补充的关系。③补语在动词或形容词后边补充说明怎么样、多久、多少等问题。④有的补语前头常用结构助词“得”。 (5)、主谓短语:定义详见课本...

so + many, much, few, little(少)+n.so many poor children就正确了!第二个空选such是因为little是“小”的意思,而不是“少”。2.意思是对了,问题是complete是adj. 这里需要adv.3.still是个比较“特殊”的副词,是用来加强语气的,在句子中的位置有以下两条规:A:在行为动词作谓语的...

