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Harmonious society is our pursuit of an ideal state of society. US-produced harmony, harmony is the best state of things. Harmony is the pursuit of education. The new curriculum reform situation, the real classroom teaching students is the implementation of a comprehensive quality education, promote student active learning, creating an open, harmonious classroom atmosphere to achieve teaching objectives. So how does building a harmonious classroom?
First, establish a "people first" philosophy
Have to consult a teacher of a special class of secret Shang Hao, he replied: "To Shanghao course, start with the students love to start, this will feel taught in the classroom is so handsome." Loves teaching profession students the essence of morality, when we really caring for students, we will be pleasure and satisfaction, we will like them bit by bit, their fault tolerance, we will, we can share with students the joy of learning together to enjoy this beautiful life.
Students should be given "child like" love, keep abreast of the needs of students, concerned about the student's thinking, psychological and physical condition in order to implement effective teaching. While also respecting and assertive personality of students. We must take effective classroom organization, students grow healthily, to enjoy their creative play. In the teaching process, coordinate education and teaching objectives, content, methods, and cognitive characteristics of the relationship between the students, the overall optimization of English teaching, this classroom building full of atmosphere.
Second, efforts to achieve "harmonious development of the classroom environment," to create ecological classroom
The harmonious development of the so-called classroom environment, first by building a "harmonious classroom environment":
(1), well furnished classrooms, to create a good classroom environment.
(2) to construct classroom activities and classroom environment in harmony. Classroom through beautification, education, equality and friendly to students around the environment to develop students who love the emotional class.
Second performance of "classroom environment and educational environment for the harmonious development of society." Educators have emphasized the harmonious development of the educational environment. More emphasis on basic education curriculum reform and opening up classroom management, is for students out of the classroom to learn in life.
Third, in the English language in creating a harmonious atmosphere
English teaching should be in English, controlling the use of Chinese language, which is determined by the purpose of English teaching. Practice shows that only strengthen the teaching of English in practice, more use of English to enable students to come in contact with English, and immersed in an atmosphere of English, to effectively line up mother tongue interference, cultivate the ability to use English.
How to create a good classroom atmosphere does the language? I think we should do the following:
1, teachers in the classroom should be organized in English teaching. In all aspects of teaching, any expression can be all in English to express in English. We can light deep, easy to difficult. My first contact with the students to let them in English class familiarity with some simple classroom language!
With the gradual improvement of English proficiency students in the class has studied the use of words to explain, slowly began to speak, due to repeat, with the active support of students, class, we will be able to run through the basic English conversation in which the. For example, from the previous phrase Listen to the tape. We gradually said to Listen to the tape and finish the exercises.

What we have lost isn't water, but our blood.
What we have lost isn't water, but our life.
What we have lost isn't water, but our home.

[in] harmony is our pursuit, using the class with communication is always our goal in education quality, the requirement, teaching become more vitality in harmony, we want to pursue harmony, we must create harmony, we should use more harmonious.
[key] the harmonious atmosphere

Harmonious classroom teachers and common pursuit, is also one of the most important teaching in class, the harmonious campus, can promote the harmonious campus can promote the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, the harmony, how to create harmonious classroom?
A harmonious relationship between teachers and students, the
First, lets the student in his class. This is crucial step. We all know that some students to become "fans", the reason is like a shaped stars. Imagine, if the teacher as the star, and what will be the result?
Conversely, if the students don't like a teacher, because they are rebellious attitude, willing to learn or not is not learn the teacher's class. This phenomenon is everybody commonplace. Therefore, the teacher should thoroughly students, students and students become one, interests, hobbies, joys and sorrows, emotional changes to help students. Let your eyes in the student is not only a respectable teachers, but they can be nearly close friends affable. Let the students like you, must everywhere, "GaoWeiShi exemplary virtue," "words are to teach on this is wisdom. Must overcome the preference to concern, care, every student. Never take the results of the student is divided into several class, to his likes and dislikes view to distinguish treats the student. To make every student can feel your love, your warm.
Secondly, knowledgeable teachers often get the favour of students, and to enable students to accept as soon as possible. In the teaching, earnest good each lesson, to study specialized knowledge, with his knowledge of his students to win the respect. "Not, that is, by the motto sincere attitude of the students. There are changed, not to his face and lack of knowledge. As time passes, students will learn to your noble personality and rigorous attitude.
Humor is the language of communication between teachers and students in class, the teacher, as much as possible, and intonation with proper volumn, humorous language, and enrich the expressions and gestures to organize teaching, students to create an open and relaxed environment.
Of course, the class of students, nor to students. Students of the inner personality, students in class, in communication more willing to give. It also helps teachers better control, and better improve classroom atmosphere in class.
Second, efforts to achieve "classroom environment, build the harmonious development of the" ecological classroom
The harmonious development of the so-called classroom environment, first class for the construction of the harmonious environment ":
(1), decorate good classroom, builds the good classroom environment.
(2), construction of classroom activities and classroom environment harmony. Through education, students' classroom beautification environment friendly and equal treatment, cultivate students around the classroom. Love
Third, the classroom teaching methods
Harmonious classroom, no matter what subjects are welcome. In English teaching, especially in the classroom, harmonious loose temporarily containing errors, only asks you, only request you dare bold to speak. Let the students put down the burden, relaxed, natural dare into learning English speaking boldly, positive thinking, continuously produce learn English and ability to cast the interest. I have often told students saying: if you dare to speak, I will teach you. Learning English must be heard, and keep up.
First, the English language classroom building atmosphere.
The aim of English teaching is to application, therefore, the English teaching should try to use English, Chinese, only in the use of English teaching practice, strengthen practices, a lot of language input can effectively eliminate the interference, use native English ability.
When teaching in class, from shallow and deep can, from easy to difficult, with the gradual strengthening of the classroom for memory method.
Of course, want to let students to join English conversation, encourage them to make more, they can participate actively, in English atmosphere, let them feel the joy of success.
Question: in the classroom or supplement, design a temporary scene, let students write have different locations hands of card, representing different position desks as road, ask the hallway with response of practice.
Above regardless of which kind of scene of students are close, virtually to improving their guts, arouse their enthusiasm, rather than simply by word of mouth, namely, a professor of interest, and improve the efficiency.
Harmonious classroom needs the joint efforts of the teachers and students in the education quality, and strongly advocated the today, this should not be a difficult problem to solve, and this is what we are after class mode.


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意思是:我永远不会放开你的手。出自:电影《泰坦尼克号》,男主Jack对女主说了I‘ll never let you go.,字面意思是“我不会让你走的”,可以译为我永远不会放开你的手,或意译为我们永远在一起。let go=give up是放弃的意思。 let go这个词语在这里不能从字面上解释,不能翻译为让……走 ...

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