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서울에 빨리 돌아 가고 싶다

A:실례 지만 지금 이 배추?
B:있 을 뿐 아직 어린 데 (보름 앞으로 당신 에 전화 하 라 거나 전화번호 나 에게 남 겨 두 겠 습니다) 연락 드 리 겠 습니다.
A:좋 습니다.그렇다 면 무 있 어요?
B:없 는 ().
A:배추 나 는 5. 5kg 을 에게 무 두 1kg 이 었 다.저 는 내일 (오늘) 오후 나 서 고맙습니다.
B:네, 없이 고 마 워 요.안녕히 가 세요!


습관적으로 "地"사용하지 않는다. 단 가끔 말투에 대한 묘사를 강조하거나 혹은 말투를 늦추기 위한 상황에서 사용할수 있다.

(14) 근데 잠시후 다들 말없이 잔잔해졌다. 누군가는 여러차례 한숨만 쉬기도 한다. 그 중에 삼중대장이 제일 진정하지 못했다.(노사 《无名高地有了名》)
(15) 5,6살 된 아이는 의식적으로 자신과 다른 아이들을 비교하게 된다.
게다가 자주 공개적으로 타인을 평가한다.(팡푸시; 《어린이의 심리세계-말하자면 어린이의 심리발전과 교육》)
(16) .... 다른것들은 더이상 말할 필요가 없다. 그는 오직 고전문학에만 빠져있는게 아니다. 현대문학 그리고 현대문학에 대한 비판에도 아주 많은 흥취를 가졌다.(백가강단 《诗可以怨》에서 첸중수를 본다.

可以自己感受一下我的译文~ 相信我~邮箱要发什么?阳光化作呼吸 Sunshine hided in my breath 转瞬之间 In an instant 轻轻拂过 having kissed me on cheeks 呼吸化作私语 Breath turned to be whispers 回眸之间 In a glance 静静掠过。having slipped by in silence 木马依旧旋转,Our merry-go-...

Drinks is the humanity lives essentially with the food, but rose from the diet to the culture not merely refers "eats", the diet culture was the humanity eating behavior, the idea, technical and its the product sum total, the diet life style which is which the humanity natural ...

Everybody is good! Here, thank you can listen to present my speech. Today I am going to lecture topics related to business, in the beginning before the speech, I want to ask you a question: if you can choose to work in a company, which company would you choose? Even, ...

Please mind your own personal belongings such as mobile phone, wallet and credentials. We recommend you not to take with you anything heavy or valuable. The organizer is not responsible for anything lost, nor is it expected to take on any associated liability as such.There are ...

英:These years, for many people, interest is not our since F is learning, but foreigners studying lei feng lei, interested Is whether there is a statue of lei feng cadets, rather than our body Edge how many lei feng. But however, hero is not should Forgotten, lei feng's ...

Food taboos in Western countries. Chinese food culture is extensive and profound. At Chinese restaurants Nothing taboo content on this different with the West. They avoid吃肥肉, visco-bone and skin-type chickens and ducks (duck, chicken, except the skin),忌食a variety of animal's ...

你好!!Collis和蒙加马利 It可以从在资源基于看法的各种各样的部份方法被推论有资源的不同的期限和分类。 一个广泛被接受的定义在蒙加马利的出版物(1995年,引述在美国遗产字典以后) : 资源是可以为支持或帮助使用的‘something; 可以被画,当needed’的可利用的供应。 可利用的资源可能采取各种各样...

With the continuous development of third-party logistics market, outsourcing of logistics enterprises increased dependence, but in the logistics business process outsourcing is still poor communication; the leading logistics service providers to rely on a lack of innovation enterprise; difficult ...

The Power of Confidence Confidence is indispensable to everyone,particurlarly to colege students because they are to face more challenges and opportunities. if we lack confidence, we can't set foot firmly in society.Today, the society is full of talents. One may not be the best,...

furniture design, 4 of which program is more sophisticated than Option 3, and gives people a sense of tough; program in table 5 Office of the bending body to fillet processing, modern and strong.幸好我英语学的好 · 追加点分吧·翻译好辛苦的 。。。

