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女:Asflsi 是一个犹太人名,意思是聪明博学伟大的大女人。 Abigale 原为古希伯来名,意思是"最初的欢乐"或"欢乐之本"。在圣经撒母尔记上篇第二十五章中,讲到了一位早期名叫Abigale的人的故事。在这个故事之中,她是一位聪明、美丽的女人。她有过人的智慧和谋略。因而,她后来成了以色列大卫王的妻子。 Abbyabbie是Abigale的简写。人们认为Abby是娇小可爱的女人、文静、令人喜爱、个性甜美。 Ada (老式英语)"高贵"的意思。为ADELAIDE的简写。Ada给人的印象是年长保守、辛勤的工作者。 Adeline Adelaide的英文写法。Adeline被描绘为守旧,坏脾气的女孩,过份有礼但目中无人。 Ailsa 古德语,快乐的姑娘的意思。 Alice (希腊)"真理";(老式德语)"贵族"。大部份的人都把Alice看做是"爱丽丝梦游仙境"的那位爱丽丝——一个年轻的梦想者喜欢热闹有著不受束缚的灵魂。有些人则认为她是自傲的老女人。 Alina 爱丽娜,古德语,『高贵』的意思。 Allison 盖尔语,微小、真实的;古德语,名闻众神。令人联想到美丽无瑕的女子,聪明,体贴。 Angela (希腊)"天使,传送讯息者。"Angela被描绘为美丽,娇小的女子若不是有著甜美温柔的个性,即是活泼莽撞的女孩。 Anna(希伯来语)意为:优雅。 Anne 善良、优雅、喜欢帮助人的女孩.皇室的皇后、公主很多都是这个名字或者Annie,许多平民也都很喜欢这个名字。

Betty 为Elizabeth的简写。Betty这个名字让人在脑中浮现一个金发女孩的影像,傻的可爱,又风趣。

ADAM(希伯来),红土制造的意思。据说上帝用红土造人,而亚当是他造出的第一个人。 ADAM被形容是高大、黝黑、英俊、肌肉强健的男人、沉稳、聪明。 ADRIAN(拉丁文)黑色的意思。人们将ADRIAN描绘为迷人、阴柔的男子、敏感、体贴、可爱、富有。 ALVA希伯来名,给人的感觉是很崇高、庄严的,圣经上写着ALVA 是一个地名和种族名字。 ALEX为ALEXANDER的简写,人们认为ALEX是身强体健有着希腊血统的男子、聪明、和善、令人喜爱。



直译:Lin Chengjun

Steam generator is the main equipment in nuclear power plant and its stable water level is very important.
In real working condition, the control of water pump speed is the main mean to control water level.
In most nuclear power plants in China, the water pump speed is regulated by hydraulic torque converter.
The hydraulic torque converter, as a hydraulic element, has some shortcomings, such as complicated dynamic performance and instable system data, which is the technical problem to be solved in closed loop control.
So, the study of torque converter, discussion of control means, and enhancement of energy-saving speed regulation are very important.
In this paper, through the study of hydraulic torque converter, its basic principle and regulation character were understood to obtain the mathematic mode.
Then, a brief introduction was made for power generation flow of pressurized water reactor in nuclear power plant, aiming at the instable parameter of hydraulic torque converter and other equipment. A better鲁棒性of regulator was adopted.
In practical control, considering the existing turbulence of steam and water, three impulses were used to establish water flow rate control system mode for hydraulic torque converter.

Finally, the Simulink was used to do imitation study.
The result showed that water feeding system regulation established by using three-impulse method for hydraulic torque converter is short-time used and small exceeding regulation.
A falsehood water level was effectively controlled when turbulence happened so that exceeding regulation was reduced.
The system returned to its original state in a short period and had anti-jamming ability. Thus the new developed control system satisfied the water level control for steam generator in real working condition.

Nuclear power plant steam generator is the main power plant equipment, the level of its stable of great significance. The actual working condition, the pump speed to control the liquid level control is the principal means. China accounted for the majority of the pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant to the pump speed are adjustable hydraulic coupling. But as the fluid coupling of hydraulic components, dynamic characteristics of complex and uncertain system parameters and so on, become a closed-loop control of the technical issues to be resolved. Of coupling a study to examine the appropriate control method to increase the speed of its energy-saving capabilities, is of great practical significance.

In this paper, through the hydraulic coupling of the study, understanding its basic theory and conditioning properties, by their mathematical model. Then briefed the generation pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant processes, for power plant equipment in the coupling parameters, such as the uncertainty, the robustness of the PID regulator better. Specific control methods, taking into account the existence of the production of steam and water supply disturbances, using a three-impulse conditioning methods, establish a hydraulic coupling of the feed water flow regulating control system model.

Finally, by Simulink simulation of the system. The results show that regulation by the fluid coupling, a three-impulse method of regulating water supply system built up in a short time, a small amount of overshoot. Disturbance can occur when the water level to effectively control false to reduce the negative overshoot. System can quickly return to steady-state, anti-interference ability. Better meet the actual condition of the steam generator of the control level.

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在线等——高中英语中译英 纯手工翻译!!
1British poet William Wordsworth was born on April 7th.1770.died on April 23 1850.he was one of the most great romanticism poets.2William Wordsworth dwelled in rural area in his childhood.he liked to go outside for fun and close nature.this deeply influence his future poem ...

鼠伤寒沙门氏菌在生菜和西红柿的表面的数量经过预防接种后分别是3.51–3.99log cfu每克和3.47–4.86 log cfu每个西红柿。CFU (Colony Forming Units)经培养所得菌簇形成单位的英文缩写。cfu:colony-forming unit,菌落形成单位,将稀释后的一定量的菌液通过浇注或涂布的方法,让其内的微生物单细胞...



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A and B found a cornflake coin which looked very old. They wanted to ues it to enter for the treasure competition,but they were laughed at by others.Therefore,A felt embarrassed.Once, by coincidence,A and B picked up the cornflake coin again,B took it to take part in ...

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它是什么和我喜欢它的原因 不同的人可能有不同的爱好,有些人喜欢唱歌,有些人喜欢阅读,有的喜欢打篮球等等。在我看来,我的爱好是收集《三国演义》中人物的杂志卡。我收集了两年的杂志卡,现在已经有50张了。他们是关于中国著名小说中不同的人物。我喜欢收集历史杂志卡,因为它教会我历史知识。当我...


