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注意!雅思留学备考费用,这样报能省2000+~ 1.- I‘m feeling tired, doctor.
- Have a good rest and then you‘ll feel better.
2.- How are you feeling today?
- I‘m feeling even worse.
3.- Doctor, she is not feeling well.
- Nothing serious, I hope.
4.- Doctor, do I have to take the medicine before or after meals?
- Three times a day after meals.
5.- What‘s the matter?
- I‘ve got a headache.
6.- What‘s your trouble?
- I‘ve had a pain in my stomach since morning.

Clark:C Vera:V C:May I help you?V:Yes,I need a scoff for my mother. Today is mother`s day.C:Oh! you is a nice daughter!V:Thanks.C:How about this one?V:But my mother have a red one. She likes biue very much, so I need a blue scarff.C:Ok! How about this...

A: Good morning,sir. I hope you're not in a hurry.B: It's my friend,actually. When do you think you can cut his hair?A: I'm just finishing with this gentleman. I'll be ready for him in about ten minutes. Is that OK?B: That's OK. I guess we can wait ...

我的名字是***。今年23岁, 出生在青岛。我毕业于河北科技大学。我的本科专业是英语并且得到了学士学位。我还在河北师范大学学习审计。我对英语很有兴趣并且很努力地学习。我已经通过了TEM-8, BEC的考试。我曾在一家美国公司工作。在那段时期,我经常与美国人进行交流,因此我的口语进步了很多。I am ...

英语口语对话 急求
Hi,Lucy!Hi,Cindy!Today I tell you my best friends!This is an exciting question!My best friend is Emma,she like to play volleyball.Does she often play volleyball?Ahh,yes!she play volleyball every day!Look this is Emma's house !It's big and plush!Emma,can we come in?Yes...

我刚参加口语考试回来,跟你的对话主题一模一样,我甚至怀疑咱是不是同一个学校的 以下是我找的,仅供参考,口语考试嘛,临场发挥才有成就感!祝你好运 1 An army of people today are fond of the TV talent show. They support it and see themselves as fans of one or another show star. ...

A: I am so disappointed with my girlfriend.B: What is up?A: Yesterday was my birthday ,she promised to come to my home and give me a surprise,but she didn't appear yesterday night.B: Don't be so worried.Maybe she had something important to do,but she had no enough ...

你是什么学校的?what date is it touday?it is fifteenth of August.when is mid-autumn festival?today is it.what do people usually do at mid-autumn festival?they usually eat moon cakes.There are still?they usually watch the moon.did you watch the moon last mid-autumn festival?y...

T:Hej,do not worry, I am your tour guide for free P:Great,but why you are here?T:You know nothing about Guangzhou and asked for help. My country sends me here.P:Thanks god...I am saved.T:Don't thank the god, thanks our country.P:Thank you all. but I prefer to ...

Receptionist : May I help you ?You(Jennifer): Yes , please !I have an apppoitment with your boss at 9:30 this morning .Receptionist : Have a seat, please ! I'll call and let him know you are here .Ben: Thank you 'a' appreciate !Receptionist: He's coming . This is...

Good morning, teacher! My name is XXX . My favorite objects are the violin, books and computers. My hobbies are playing the violin, listening to music, singing, playing on the computer.我最喜欢的物品最好成绩用objects,而且是多个,用复数。另外,我的爱好应该用My hobbies,希望能帮到...

