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希望有英语专业的把我想说的话翻译成英文,谢谢 有人可以帮我把以下我想说的话翻译成日文吗?


sometimes I find myself having difficulty to express instantly in English. Therefore,I feel aukward from time to time. I appreciate your understanding





Although I am only a sutdent in normal class ,but I believe that I didn't worse than the student in the key class .This competition ,I and my classmates who is in the same school with me ,once was my junior school classmates . We are in the key class when we are in junior ,and we were friends .We look down to the students that in the normal class .When I go to senior school ,I entered normal class while she in the key class .We were no longer good friends .Because she looked down on me. When she looks me in such an awful sight ,I felt heart broken ,and I realized how wrong I used to .Now I understand that feeling . So I don't want to lose ,I have to win the copetition .It is not only a competition about me ,but also represent my class .I will proof to her ,the student from normal class is as better as that in key class.

"I'm just a normal students, but I believe I not proportion of students contest. The same school with my classmates, one of my classmates is junior high school and junior high school. We've ChongDianBan is before, we are good friends. We are very despise the normal students in high school. I enter the regular class, she entered ChongDianBan. We are no longer friends. Because she was despise me. When she looked in the eye that despise me when I really sad. I also know oneself is too much, I finally understand to the normal mood now. So I don't want to lose, want to see her, I must win this game. It is my game, I also represent the normal game. I will prove it to her, the normal students will not necessarily proportion poor!"

Although I just a normal students, but I believe I not proportion of students (poor. The game and I to the same school classmate, and I am junior high school students. We are ChongDianBan before we previously junior are good friends. When we are very despise the normal students. In high school I entered the regular class, she entered ChongDianBan. We will no longer are good friends. Because she look down on me. When she looked in the eye that despise me when I really sad. I also know oneself is too much, I finally know now to the normal mood. So I don't want to lose, want to see her, I will win the game. It is my game, I also represent the normal game. I want to prove it to her, the normal students will not necessarily proportion (poor

"I Although it is only an ordinary class students, but I believe I do not class the students than if the focus 差. Zhecibisai the same room with my school of a student, and I am a junior high school students. Womenyiqian Ban Junior is the key, we used to be good friends. when we are looking down on ordinary class students. to the high school I went into the regular classes, she entered the key classes. We will no longer be good friends. because she was looking down on me. When her eyes with a kind of contempt I hope when I'm really sad. I also know how his previous over, I finally now understand the feelings of ordinary classes. so I do not want to lose, do not want to lose her, I must win this game. This is not only my game, also on behalf of the general class competition. I wanted to prove to her, students were not necessarily common focus of class than the poor! "




大二英专在读。其实这个问题在大一的时候困扰了我很久,因为当时也觉得英语专业出了做老师,仿佛没有其它的出路。但是随着年龄的增长和知识的扩充,我逐渐明白英语专业的出路其实有很多。1.老师 高校大学老师也好,中学小学老师也罢,老师是一份稳定的职业。不同之处在于,大学老师一般是教学、科研相结合,...

词汇的书,直接买新东方的6000,12000, 来看来背,单词方法我就不说啦,会自己学习的人都有自己总结的方法,无非就是长复习长使用,等到大二的时候可以开始买专业的翻译词汇来看,那些就比较难,不过也是在于使用,不用的话,你背多少都记不住。再个就是强大的阅读能力,每天找英文书看,最好就是直接...

2022 高考志愿填报,选英语专业怎么样?
03 英语专业到底值不值得报考 其实我没办法直接告诉你,这个专业不值得报考、或者说一定要去报考。我的一个总的观点是,我觉得英语对于绝大多数同学来说就只是一个工具,你需要把这个工具跟自己其他的优势结合起来,才能在就业市场变得更加有竞争力。第一点,如果你的分数线刚刚超过一个相对比较好的大学...

听了也存不住!而这个存储的地方,不是心,就是脑了。姑且叫做心,就是heart,因为heart同hear有四个字母相同,便于记忆。那么,听懂英语是怎么回事呢?实际上也很简单,就是把听到的声音,同存储在heart里面的英语英文的意思配成套,搭配到一起。用英文说就是from sound to sense,而且,绝对需要是...

5.签证成功率高,不需要面签 6.环境优美、气候宜人 澳洲大学硕士传媒专业是不需要本科学习背景的,你完全可以申请。申校和签证只需要提供雅思成绩,签证要求雅思最低5.0分。如果留学期间你可以打工,20万的留学费用用不了。是否找中介办理自己权衡利弊吧,我个人认为自己办理似乎有拿自己做实验的意思。

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我的 急急急急, 求高手给我一片3分钟的英语演讲稿,题目是<妈妈,我想对你说> 要求是高中水平的演讲...人世间的儿女们,望着两鬓斑白的母亲,哪一个不辛酸至极呢? World children, looking liangbinbanbai...秋夜,偶然停了电,摇曳的烛光把妈妈的身影投在墙上,凝重、飘逸,宛如披着羽衣的仙女在沉思。 The ...

英语是一种拼音文字,大多数字母和字母组合都有一定的发音规律。只要注意观察,就会发现拼写和读音之间的联系。1 记准每个单词要想快速、准确并且大量的记单词,正确发音是一个重要途径。宋代学者朱熹说过,读书要三到:心到、眼到、口到。学习过程中感官参与的越多,识记的效果就越好。因此,在学习单词...

