>凡事网 导航



He ate like a horse.
His word made my blood boil.
He was shedding crocodile tears.
You've gone too far.
I get butterflies in my stomach.

1.我们可以拍张相片吗? Can we take a picture together?
2.你会说中文吗?Can you speak Chinese?
3.可以说几句吗? Can you say something?
4.可以告诉我你的email地址吗? Can you tell me your email address?
5.这是我的email地址,给你!This is my email address, here you go!
6.我的英语不怎么样,请多多包含!I'm not very good at English,I'm still working on it.
7.对不起,我的英语水平很差,您说的话我听不懂!Sorry, my english is not very good, i can't really understand what you are saying.
8.(初次见面)您好!先生/女士/小姐 请问您有空吗? How are you sir, ms, miss? do you have a minute?
9.我们可以闲聊吗?Can we chat?
10.好了!我们就聊到这里吧!祝你旅途愉快!Ok, we'd better stop here, safe trip!
11.愿你一切都顺利!! wish you all the best!
12.要记得常给我写信.我会想你的! please write to me, i will miss you.
14.回去记得告诉你的家人,你拥有了一个中国朋友,她叫AMY! please remember me to your family, you have a chinese friend named amy!
15.你的学校生活轻松吗?我们很累的!真羡慕你啊!how's your school? relaxing? ours is very strict and tiring.

你去哪?---where are you going?
快去做作业---get down to your homework
你自己做饭给自己吃---do the meal for yourself
你可不可以别这样---don't be like this
要放多少水---more water,please
我感觉不是很舒服---i feel a little sick
我帮你请假-i will help you with the note for leave
老师,我想请假-sir,i'd like to take a leave
我想吃一个苹果-i would like an apple.或者I want to eat an apple
这个真难吃--it taste bad
好困啊--i want to sleep
明天早晨去跑步-- early morning jogs
你想怎样--what do you want
你这个夜猫子--you are owl

where are you going?

are you serious?

go and do your homework

feed yourself

please, don't do this

how much water do you need?

i don't feel well

i'll ask a day off for you

sir/madam, could i please ask a day off?

你去哪?---where are you going?
快去做作业---get down to your homework
你自己做饭给自己吃---do the meal for yourself
你可不可以别这样---don't be like this
要放多少水---more water,please
我感觉不是很舒服---i feel a little sick
我帮你请假-i will help you with the note for leave
老师,我想请假-sir,i'd like to take a leave

1. Where are you going?
2. Really?
3. Go finish your homework.
4. Go cook for yourself.
5. Could you not act like this?
6. How much water should there be?
7. I am not feeling well.
8. Let me help you ask for day-off.
9. Sir/Miss, i would like to take a leave.

日常用语翻译成英语, 谢谢高手
1.just so so.2.leave it discussed later.3.Happy May day!4.Isn't it so?

frankly speaking 坦率地说,aside from 除...以外 loose conduct 失去控制 set off 出发, 动身, 使爆炸, 引起, 使爆发, 抵销, 分开, 衬托 set up 设立, 竖立, 架起, 升起, 装配, 创(纪录), 提出, 开业 be accustomed to 习惯于 tend to 注意, 趋向 approve of 赞成, 满意 lay off 解雇...

几句日常英语的翻译 (中译英)(请高手进)
小弟就补充回答下吧.1 Let's have a thorough talk 不变 2 the price can be negotiated 不变 3 honesty is the key to business 单词 key 后面的介词只可以用 "to". the key in ...小弟愚笨,念了英语专业,没见过.4 Friendship is always more important than Business...

percentage completed 百分之..已完成 mission attempts 任务尝试(次数)playing time 游戏时间 day passed in game 游戏中以过天数 safehouse visits 进安全房(次数)rampages passed hidden packages found 已找到的隐藏包 people you have wasted 你废掉的人 people wasted by others 被...

1: the realistic down-to-earth, seek truth from facts, practical, all to the interests of the company for the ( translation )2: solid and meticulous elaborate organization, steady work, grab get right on the job really, cogent do good own job 3 rapid response: we should ...

Excuse me, would you care letting me explain this?Excuse me, may I explain this (situation)?Sorry, can u let me explain it?situtaion 可有可无的,也不一定要用excuse me 直接说sorry 也可以

关于英语短句短语翻译。高手请进!满意加分! 英语高手你一定要有耐心帮我翻译啊.谢谢你啦.这些都是短语短句,都出自<全日制版普通教学>高三英语首先是1.2单元的.1.当时的厂长2.因...而出名3.一本最畅销的书4.上交5.跟踪调查某事6... 英语高手你一定要有耐心帮我翻译啊.谢谢你啦.这些都是短语短句,都出自<全日...

1.公开 2 经常出现于咖啡馆的阶层\/人士 Café society was the collective description for the so-called "beautiful people" and "bright young things" who gathered in fashionable cafes and restaurants in Paris, London, Rome or New York, beginning in the late 1800s. Lucius Beebe, noted...

请英语高手帮忙翻译几句常用交际用语 谢谢
These projects should increase the 10 100 service charge.Housing accounts you want to hang it?White cupboard in the house for a pair of slippers.Do you need more wardrobe?Shoulder \/ waist 你可以去goole自己查

相对于 with respect to; relative to; rel.; versus (vs.);物价 [ wù jià ]price price of commodities prices inflationary spiral China's price is very low with respect to that in the United States .I hope you can learn some Chinese before coming to China, because my ...

